Originally posted by sapporo93
Well...we do live in the U.S.. The land of "everything gets blown to extreme proportions or don't get noticed at all, and there is no middle option" I mean it happens all the time, with such events as (the list might piss people off); 9/11(even though that might deserve it because of the mass number of deaths but there are times where people bring it up when it really shouldn't), (as said before)Anna Nicole, everything dealing with Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton, the fact that the famous "Bradgalina" keep getting babies over and over again when it's obvious that they want more babies so mabye we should just stop pretending likes it surprises us and that it's real news, the whole thing with Brad and that blond chick (forgot her name, I don't care), and numerous child abuctions, rapes, drug busts, all things that probably shouldn't be publisized are dragged on for weeks on end. Point is that sometimes we should just bury the hatchet, as people have already mentioned, but it won't.
But see, I think things like this are entertainment. I mean people getting worked up, people getting mad because the event is dragged on or over-exaggerated. So I'm good, as long as I stay in the middle I'm safe. Even if I'm not safe...I just really don't care.
Hope I got my message across...sometimes I feel i just ramble on and on that I forget if I even made my point or if what I said even flows.
But don't you see, it's all so perfect. Everything even remotely related to that black box or panel you watch all boomerangs back to the multi-trillionaires in Beverly Hills (who will likely lose it all in two weeks on steroids alone). They are the lifeblood of a nation, and without them, America would die the slow, painful death of news that actually matters. America does not want to hear about crises in Iran, or that American troops are re-centralizing in Afghanistan, no, they want to hear about uber-famous-dude dying half a million dollars in debt so to worship the solid gold casket which only God knows how much that cost and how Tom Cruise is steadily losing what is left of his sanity.
I'm going to go the conservative route, I blame Oprah.[8D][8D][8D][:D]