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Post July 24th, 2009, 6:28 pm

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Uhm, I was so surprised that some eccentric member (griffonluv, TheVillageIdiot, fraroc...) didn't post this yet!

So, do you believe or not? Share encounters or stories?

I used to thoroughly NOT believe in them, very recently as well. It was until the past few months where I really started to think.

- 4th of July this year, me and five friends spent the night at a friend's house who was gone over the weekend. So at one point through the night we are introduced to two whole new refrigerators. In the basement... so we're all downstairs, all six of us, getting food sitting down and eating. All of the sudden from upstairs there is clearly (all six of us will share the same story) some running around upstairs. Not some subtle ghost action caught on tape. There is someone running upstairs for about a minute and a half and we're all frozen. It was so random. They didn't seem to be going anywhere and also didn't open or close any doors (which contradicted our thinking that a neighbor on watch came into the house...)

So of course we went upstairs and even until we got to the door we heard the footsteps...Only when we opened the door did it stop.


-Last night I was making food on the counter. This scared the crap out of me where I had to go run to my room and fall asleep with the TV on. I left the fridge door open because the light floods the kitchen and I can make my toast and whatever. So I'm spreading the PB with my back to the fridge...a shadow flicks across it as though something walked by, fast. I turned around and my dog was looking right where it happened, my cat was hissing into the next room (where in theory, someone running across the fridge would've next ended up). So I dipped out and ran upstairs.

Let's hear EVERYONE'S opinions and stories [:)] This should be good.

Post July 24th, 2009, 8:19 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Have you investigated the likelihood of robbery?

Also lay off the drugs. Ghosts are like aliens, only white people see them.
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Post July 24th, 2009, 9:36 pm

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But two of the people at the house were black.

And my dog, Tucker, likewise.

Post July 29th, 2009, 6:49 pm

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I was in Nevada City, CA on a white water rapids vacation around Sacremento a couple years back in a hundred year old hotel. Me and my brother (only) were going to sleep when the faucet for the sink in the bathroom just twisted on and I layed frozen in my bed for about a minute until it twisted back and stopped. I was freaked out for about ten minutes until I could fall asleep. It was unexplainable. I figure faulty plumming, but I could hear the twisting of the handle on and off so I don't know.

Post July 29th, 2009, 7:12 pm

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EDIT: Total open-mindedness
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Post July 29th, 2009, 7:39 pm

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^Way to be open minded....

I don't believe that the stereotypical ghosts like you would see in Ghostbusters and stuff, but I do think there are sorts of hard-to-understand beings that can cause things like these.

Post July 29th, 2009, 7:55 pm

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^ I thought so too.

Sure there are spirits on earth but they I don't think they haunt you in any way.
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Post July 29th, 2009, 8:06 pm

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Originally posted by griffonluv
Ghosts are fake. They're a myth. End of story. And unless you are a complete idiot, you will agree. So don't be an idiot. (except gerty who is already an idiot)tee hee.
Hey ass hat, don't be so ignorant.
IMO, yes ghosts are real, BUT, i find they are blamed for things which can have perfectly good explanations. Gerst, i must ask, the friends house you were at, did they have any pets such as cats or dogs which could have caused the noise. I know that sounds kind of farfetched, but when your base boards are creeky like mine, a cats stepping can sounds similar to a humans. Plus were the steppings really heavy or was it just creeky baseboards.

Post July 29th, 2009, 10:15 pm

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^I'm not being ignorant. I'm showing my opinion.

And it's more of an ass tiara! Get it right! [lol]
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Post July 29th, 2009, 10:26 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by griffonluv

^ I thought so too.

Sure there are spirits on earth but they I don't think they haunt you in any way.

I think chupacabras exist and I base this on absolutely nothing so you don't have an open mind unless you agree with me.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post July 29th, 2009, 10:42 pm

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Post July 29th, 2009, 10:46 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by griffonluv

^ I thought so too.

Sure there are spirits on earth but they I don't think they haunt you in any way.

I think chupacabras exist and I base this on absolutely nothing so you don't have an open mind unless you agree with me.

You took the words right out of my mouth! Good job.
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Post July 30th, 2009, 12:47 am

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Hmm, oddly enough, Ghost Hunters on SciFi channel is on right now, hah. I happen to be a fan [:)]

Post July 30th, 2009, 1:19 am

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OMG! My dog's name is Tucker also!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post July 30th, 2009, 2:47 am

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I believe in ghost, no doubt about them in my mind. The first story isn't from me but from my mom. She said she was lying in bed facing the middle when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She was frightened so ignored it, but it happened again. She slowly rolled over and saw my recently deceased (at the time) uncle sitting in the rocking chair. She said he looked her dead in the face and told her not to worry, and that he was alright. My dad woke up to her sobbing and she explained the story to him.

My other story involves the same uncle. I was sitting on my bed, facing the hallway right out my door. The door was open and I see a shadowy figure walking towards me. I get freaked out and shut my eyes immediately. They were closed for a few solid minutes. After I opened them I see a figure with long hair, as my uncle did, sitting atop my dresser. He just sat there, saying nothing. I start to cry, and as i shut my eyes & open them again, he disappears.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm a strong believer and always will be.

Post July 30th, 2009, 7:51 am

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Anyway, I never had a ghostly experiance in my life, at least not in my house.

Post July 30th, 2009, 10:57 am

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Originally posted by fraroc


That's why.
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Post July 30th, 2009, 1:45 pm

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I generally don't believe in ghosts, but I do ponder their existence quite often. Never encountered one, though. However, I do like to read stories and watch TV shows about them. I think that if you believe in something hard enough, it will happen, or at least appear to happen. And if you don't believe in something, it will not happen, or at least appear not to happen. Just my thoughts. Go ahead, PONDER!

Post July 30th, 2009, 2:52 pm

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Once, when I was about...I don't like 7 or 8 yrs old, while I was still living in Texas in a relatively new neighborhood, meaning newly constructed, I saw something that look almost like a human foot.

My bed was parrallel to my hallway, and of course that means, the long sides of my bed face the doorway. So anyways, I always sleep on my side, and always face the wall, but for some odd reason, my right side of my body was hurting like hell, and so I had to sleep facing the doorway. So, couldn't get to sleep, because I''m just not use to sleeping, not facing the wall. So I'm just minding my own bissuness, and I see something, really pale, not just pale, but almost like it was fading away, pass right by the doorway. I was completely like, "WTF". and so I replay what just happened in my head. As I play it back, I realize that it was shapped like a foot, but except the bones where really apparent. Now noramlly, I would be like, "Oh it was just my mom or something" but the thing was that I only saw one foot, and the way it moved wasn't like the way humans walk. It sorta just floated on by, with very little, but noticable, arching in its parth, but it arched like a pendelum.

So of course, back then I had no idea that ghosts where something that were actually questionable in real life. So I get out of bed to go explore. I head to where the image had went. And the only two things that led down the hall way where the bathroom and my sister's room. So I go looking and I couldn't find anything. So I decide to go back to my room.

Now before I go on, let me set some imagery so that way it might help. Imagine just a hallway, and about 5 feet in is the doorway to my room and then at the end of the hall is the entrance to the bathroom, and right next to it is the entrance to my sister's room.

Ok, now as I head back, towards the entracnce of my sister's room, I see another image, but it was not only the foot that I saw, but it was also what looked like a arm. The arm's bones were also very noticable, and it cut off at the wrist and alittle bit below what I think would have been a shoulder.

Now it just looked like it came from the bathroom, but it disappeared half-way on by the doorway.

I never really figured out what it was, but, as I usually do, kept it to myself and just simply ignored it. So was it a ghost, maybe, but for sure will never know. But ever since, I slowly accept that it was a ghost, and I most certaintly do believe.

P.S. sorry for any grammer and spelling errors, the internet isn't fixing it for me anymore.
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Post July 30th, 2009, 4:14 pm

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Hehe. Griffonluv be nice [:)] I used to have your exact point of view. My suggestion is get out of your house and see what the world has to offer [lol]

B and M: Nah, no animals, and it's not like an animal would've caused such intense loud running noises on the floor (especially when us, just walking, barely made any creaking noise anyway. His house was relatively new...).

Post July 30th, 2009, 4:38 pm

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^Haha sure.. I'll go to the Bermuda triangle. I'm sure I'll find some weird stuff there.
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Post July 30th, 2009, 5:12 pm

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Post July 30th, 2009, 6:20 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by griffonluv

^Haha sure.. I'll go to the Bermuda triangle. I'm sure I'll find some weird stuff there.

Like surprise methane gas releases from the ocean floor that create sudden water turbulence?
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Post July 30th, 2009, 10:21 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by griffonluv

^ I thought so too.

Sure there are spirits on earth but they I don't think they haunt you in any way.

I think chupacabras exist and I base this on absolutely nothing so you don't have an open mind unless you agree with me.

chupacabras are real ive seen one.

Post July 30th, 2009, 10:45 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Originally posted by griffonluv

^Haha sure.. I'll go to the Bermuda triangle. I'm sure I'll find some weird stuff there.

Like surprise methane gas releases from the ocean floor that create sudden water turbulence?

Exactly what I was thinking!
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