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Post August 29th, 2009, 4:57 pm

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^Replying to what you said

1. Intoxicating liquors were illegal at one time and should be today.

2. People who are under the influence of weed are calm and rational because it acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabis receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the "high" that users experience. Those cannabis receptors that are in highest density with one another are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. So, yes, [CENSORED WORD] can cause immoral decisions if it causes your thoughts to be obscure.

Just so you know, I am not in any way trying to be a smart ass, I am just trying to prove a point.

Post August 29th, 2009, 5:11 pm

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You do realize that without Liquor/Alcohol we would not have these two knew roller coasters?


Anyway, Weed, alters you state of mind. This could mean ANYTHING

Could alter it in a good way, or could alter it in a severly damaging way.

Therefore for the risk factor that some individuals would cause damage has kept it illegal as a failsafe. For a rollercoaster analogy, that is why Intamin is using all these new restraints on their rides, because they don't want to get sued for someone complaining they got hurt on a ride because it did not have OTSR's

So it's a failsafe.

Now you will say, but alchohol is legal and it causes TONS of bad things.

I hope you guys realize that at one time, in history, if we didn't have Beer then well, the worlds population would be Very low.

Beer(And its alcohol content) provided people with a Sanitary and Guaranteed safe drinking source agains disease (Because of Alcohol's sterolizing attributes)

So why do we use it still? Economy, it has a HUGE impact on our economy. Weed, doesn't
"But it would make the goverment more money!" Yes, and then later on down the road when Extremeists get their way, they won't be able to get rid of it because of A severe fall in economy.

It's not neccisarrily what the drug does to the human body, but what it does to what is more important. Your lives.

I think I just Failed

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Post August 29th, 2009, 5:13 pm

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I still don't see how an obscure thought leads to immoral activity, especially for someone under the influence of [CENSORED WORD]. An obscure thought doesn't have to be a bad one/

Great, you can use google to see how cannabis affects the brain. But as I've said earlier, with no personal experience you just appear ignorant.

Post August 29th, 2009, 5:24 pm

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Originally posted by Randomman4

So why do we use it still? Economy, it has a HUGE impact on our economy. Weed, doesn't

Hold don't think cannabis has a huge impact on our economy?

It's the most profitable cash crop in North America!

Post August 29th, 2009, 6:01 pm

Posts: 175
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Im completly with big boy on that one.
Also, cannabis dosent have to be smoked.
THC is the main chemical in [CENSORED WORD] that causes the high. Indica and Sativa also have a factor in this too.
From reading the thread, i can see that many of you just searched news websites for weed studies. These reports often manipulate various factors to make it seem like a bad thing to do.
When baking with [CENSORED WORD], you have to extract the THC. Their are many techniques to doing this, but the most popular and most well know one is Canna-Butter. Its simply extracting the THC from the flower, and heating it to appropriate temperature until the plant vaporizes. THC is fat-soluble, so as it begins to rise to temperature, it clings to the butter. From here, you can choose to incorporate it into a pastry, or just swallow the butter pure.
But you can also vaporize [CENSORED WORD] to get a much cleaner gas. The difference between vapor and smoke, is that vapor is a result of the heat from the flame, not the flame itself. When you apply a flame directly to the plant, you can ofter overheat it, So that some THC molecules just evaporate, often times before it gets past the bowl.
[CENSORED WORD] high does NOT alter your state of mind, conscience, ability to think, process information, thoughts, equations, or any of the like. I find that i often take interest in things that i would otherwise ignore. Many people just think that you get 'high' which is just generally a bad thing. But this is where Indica, Sativa, and Ruderalis comes in to play. Various strain types produce various effects. Indica, while a supressant, can trigger deep thoughts about physiological things, while Sativa, a stimulant, can trigger adventure, and exploration. Because everyone reacts to [CENSORED WORD] differently, they can have different effects on people.
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Post August 29th, 2009, 6:10 pm

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^Well put!

Experimentation with strains is the best!

Post August 29th, 2009, 6:15 pm

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I just don't think that people should use drugs for pleasure. If we desensitize ourselves from one type of drug abuse, then another, more dangerous type, will follow.

Post August 29th, 2009, 7:03 pm

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Originally posted by Real

Cannabis is a drug that in no way degrades a person's character

Incorrect, sir. A drug is a drug. It alters your mind or body in some way, as youve stated. Thus, like any drug, the reaction YOU have will be different from everyone else.

If by chance, you could say that cannibis affects all people the same way, you would have a valid argument. But because of the very nature of the drug, youre invalid. I know at least two people personally who, once started, it began to alter who they were. Maybe they let it become an addiction, maybe the way it chemically interacted with their body changed them. I cannot know for sure.

I can say, a drug, even as simple as aspirin changes the body. How my body and yours reacts will be completely different. Some people can become quite addicted to the drug mentally - which is just as dangerous as chemically. Others develop some sort of pseudo-chemical addiction as well. I think the reason it remains illegal is not because of how it affects a few but how it affects the masses.

Great post real. I don't really have a rebuttal for this one but I do want to express where I'm coming from as I do believe that degradation of character should not be associated with [CENSORED WORD], but rather the individual themselves.

I guess the first thing that needs to be addressed is defining what exactly degrades one's character...this is a very gray area, so our differences in opinion may stem from this very issue; however I think it may be something quite different.

With many drugs (LSD, Ecstasy, etc) people have very different experiences, but with [CENSORED WORD] I believe most people ("the masses") react in a very similar fashion. Generally speaking, high people enjoy similar activities, music, etc. Obviously this can vary from person to person but the generality stands. Suppose you were lighting up with 2 is very unlikely that one of your friends would fall asleep immediately while another becomes very excited. Most likely you would all have very similar experiences.

I guess it is also hard for someone other than yourself to describe what a negative change in character each his own I suppose.

I'm also a strong believer that addiction has more to do with the person than the drug - drug education is key!

Anyways, I got a little off topic but this sure is an interesting subject!

Let me know what you think

Post August 29th, 2009, 10:42 pm

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>> I'm also a strong believer that addiction has more to do with the person than the drug.

Alright, let me hook up you up with some heroin, see how that works out for you.

And this topic is not interesting. It is all about some smarmy ass teenager who thinks he knows better than everyone else.

Read this, ... myths.html

Post August 29th, 2009, 10:53 pm

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can't we all be peaceful and happy and live in a safe world where bad drugs don't exist :D

Post August 30th, 2009, 12:27 am
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Post August 30th, 2009, 1:13 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by disaster249

I don't think it should be legalized, since above all like any form of drug abuse it leads to immoral decisions.

immoral decisions like which couch to sit on or what bag of chips to eat.

im not allowed to smoke [CENSORED WORD]

Post August 30th, 2009, 1:33 am

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Originally posted by Matt

>> I'm also a strong believer that addiction has more to do with the person than the drug.

Alright, let me hook up you up with some heroin, see how that works out for you.

And this topic is not interesting. It is all about some smarmy ass teenager who thinks he knows better than everyone else.

Read this, ... myths.html

hahahahah heroin compared to [CENSORED WORD] haahhahahahahahahha

Post August 30th, 2009, 1:49 am
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Originally posted by coolbeans326

Originally posted by disaster249

I don't think it should be legalized, since above all like any form of drug abuse it leads to immoral decisions.

immoral decisions like which couch to sit on or what bag of chips to eat.

im not allowed to smoke [CENSORED WORD]

When are you released from that place?
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No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post August 30th, 2009, 3:19 am

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What place?
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Post August 30th, 2009, 7:40 am

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having a mate thats a stoner, or was, i dunno, haven't talked to him about it, but he's done most except Heroin, Meth, Coke, and Crack. and he only smokes/smoked it when he was with friends because it made them more sociable.

I do think it should be legalized, since if you compare what long time use does to alcoholics, its much worse than long term use of Cannabis.
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post August 30th, 2009, 7:58 am
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I don't think canabis should be legalized, but I do think i should be decrimilised instead so there are some controls in place.

Post August 30th, 2009, 8:18 am

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like in Amsterdam, its still illegal, and the police will arrest you for possession, but they have a tolerance so its allowed to be used in Cafe's ect.
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post August 30th, 2009, 11:16 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Overuse makes people slow and stupid. There are these things called biochemists, pharmacists, etc, that get this thing called a PhD which is around a 12 year commitment including all of the undergraduate work they have to go through after high school. They do research on these things and know more about what weed does to a person more than anyone else, and I respect their decision to make it an illegal substance.

In my experience I've noticed that the more someone talks about how "in control" they're the more they're overusing it.

Originally posted by disaster249

I don't think it should be legalized, since above all like any form of drug abuse it leads to immoral decisions.

Diehard religious people have higher rates of rape, murder, abortion, kids had out of wedlock, and suicide. Perhaps you should reevaluate that statement.
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Post August 30th, 2009, 11:49 am

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Do you think it should have the same status as alcohol?

Post August 30th, 2009, 1:25 pm

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I don't know why you anti-pot people are complaining... In a job market as competitive as this one, you should be happy this crap is causing stoners to lose all motivation to succeed. They're only helping your chances at employment... Just let them fall on their faces and laugh at their pathetic state.

Post August 30th, 2009, 2:26 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Overuse makes people slow and stupid. There are these things called biochemists, pharmacists, etc, that get this thing called a PhD which is around a 12 year commitment including all of the undergraduate work they have to go through after high school. They do research on these things and know more about what weed does to a person more than anyone else, and I respect their decision to make it an illegal substance.

In my experience I've noticed that the more someone talks about how "in control" they're the more they're overusing it.

Originally posted by disaster249

I don't think it should be legalized, since above all like any form of drug abuse it leads to immoral decisions.

Diehard religious people have higher rates of rape, murder, abortion, kids had out of wedlock, and suicide. Perhaps you should reevaluate that statement.

I know and as a "diehard religious person" it saddens me to think of those statistics. I don't know exactly what religion you are referring to, but in Christianity (im a christian) it has a lot to do with the idea that once you ask Christ to come into your life you automatically have a one way pass to heaven. In some people's minds they think that you can do anything you want to and still go to heaven. Speaking of suicide, that often times occurs when a person had thought that God would keep them out of hardships and then have something make life miserable. They think that God has deserted them and that there is no point in living any further.

Post August 30th, 2009, 2:35 pm

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[lol] I love all the generalizations made in this thread. Not every drug affects everyone the same, try remembering that as you continue trying to make a difference [;)]

Post August 30th, 2009, 5:06 pm

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I think everyone in this thread should watch a few clips from "The Union", an award winning documentary about cannabis. Straight facts and no bullpoop.

I will personally shoot down any argument with facts that any person has about why cannabis should stay illegal. Go ahead, try me.

Here's an interesting fact. Peter Lewis, the chairman of Progressive car insurance, donated $3,000,000 in 2007 to the [CENSORED WORD] Policy Project, an organization dedicated to reforming [CENSORED WORD] laws. He is an advocate of legalizing and taxing [CENSORED WORD] for recreational and medical purposes. Wait, people who smoke cannabis can be successful?

Post August 30th, 2009, 5:27 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by Canadmos

Do you think it should have the same status as alcohol?

I think it could work as the same status as alcohol, however the amount of stupid people ruins it for everyone else. I view it as something that's much easier to abuse than alcohol. The main "problem" with weed is that it has no hangover to act as a "punishment" for blazing up too much.

Same principal as what is behind Intimidator and making the ride 5% less good. A couple dumbass fatties ruin it for everyone else.
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