(soundTriggertwo.nlvm) http://pastebin.com/gAAP4KpK
(sound.nlvm) http://pastebin.com/hEwckutF
(soundTrigger.nlvm) http://pastebin.com/PjnN3fJN
I'm trying to recreate the Flight of Fear, and scripting is really giving me a headache, but at least I've gotten the soundtrack to begin to play! The soundtwo/soundTriggertwo are supposed to be for a launch sound. sound/soundTrigger are supposed to be for music that plays throughout the ride in speakers, so I didn't use onboard audio as the whole area can hear the music. I can get just the music to work, but when I add the launch sound, nothing happens. If I remove the scripts for the music just to hear the launch, the music still plays in play mode. I also tried moving around the triggers to see if that helped, but it didn't. Is this a bug? And despite whatever I'm doing wrong, can two sounds play at once like this? I don't get any errors or anything, but I cannot get the launch sound to play for my life. Maybe it has to do with two scripts using code involving the train leaving the station? Does it have to use "tTrainLeaveStationTrigger"? Also I'm wondering if the order that I load the scripts under the "Coaster properties" tab matters...
I'm also trying to figure out how to make the sound automatically restart when another train enters the trigger. Like if the soundtrack hasn't completed currently with the code I have, it finishes and doesn't repeat for the next train. I want the soundtrack to always be playing on repeat because for a complete circuit, it repeats a little bit (like the coaster I'm recreating does in real life). But when the next train launches the soundtrack should focus to that train and play the music from the beginning again.
I'm really trying my best to figure this out, I've already gotten so far in at least making the soundtrack partially work! I'd really appreciate the help, I really wish there were a tutorial or something on basic scripting like this stuff :/