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[NL2] Mason Lake

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post January 28th, 2014, 10:22 am

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 71.00 Points
Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
I've gotten far enough into my park project to warrant some screenshot teasers. Here goes:

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The park's oldest coaster is a John Allen-style out-and-back built on a small peninsula on the lake. I'm trying to keep framerates up throughout the park, so I kept it really short and low to the ground (where possible). Lots of support work left to go...

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The really nice thing about making parks is it allows you to include rides you probably wouldn't upload by themselves. Meet the family coaster at Mason Lake: a Zamperla spinner (sans station, currently).

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The park's most recent addition is a 175-ft-tall B&M dive machine that follows a unique out-and-back pattern onto an island in the lake. The detail on the dive machines in NL2 is really spectacular!

I've got a bit of a gap in the park's history and am thinking about adding a coaster built in the 1978-2002 window, preferably something steel and NOT overly expensive. Any ideas? Below is terrain the ride would occupy. I would do an Arrow suspended, but there are SO MANY of those being released right now...

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Post January 28th, 2014, 1:22 pm

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Post January 28th, 2014, 4:19 pm

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Looks pretty cool. The scene reminds me a lot of Geauga Lake/Six Flags Worlds of Adventure.

Post January 28th, 2014, 9:53 pm

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Post January 28th, 2014, 9:59 pm

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Do an Arrow looper like Tennessee Tornado, the right time period and can be epic.
Log Jammer, SFMM
Originally posted by richie5126
T: all newtons on this site are smooth so this must be high.

Post January 28th, 2014, 10:53 pm

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Post January 28th, 2014, 11:08 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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How about a small steel dueling coaster, like Gemini at CP except with steel instead of wood.

Post January 29th, 2014, 12:00 am

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 71.00 Points
Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I've narrowed it down to the following options:

- Classic B&M invert would be pretty cool, but that'd make the park 50% B&M coasters (not a bad thing, really...)
- Arrow minetrain would be cheap, but the supports could be a framerate killer
- Tennessee Tornado-style ride would be great; I'm leaning towards this. It'd be another chance to practice my handbuilding.
- Arrow suspended. Would work well with the terrain, but the exchange is saturated with them currently.

In short, it's probably going to be an Arrow, but I'm undecided on what type. I may try a couple and see where things go...

Post January 29th, 2014, 1:48 am

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No Chinese super cheap ripoff coaster? That would be very cheap for the park.

Post January 29th, 2014, 10:04 am

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Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
^Fair enough. If it makes you feel any better, the Zamperla is actually an off-brand rip-off. Don't tell anyone [;)]

Post January 29th, 2014, 12:58 pm

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Post January 29th, 2014, 1:57 pm

Posts: 16
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Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
Amazingly, I hadn't thought about doing a Schwarzkopf. A later model looper would fit nicely in the terrain and with the other rides...

EDIT: While I'm weighing choices for the final ride, I've had a chance to play the scripting and nighttime effects in NL2. Check it out:

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Post January 30th, 2014, 2:29 pm

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Post January 30th, 2014, 2:34 pm

Posts: 16
Points on hand: 71.00 Points
Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
^Of course! It tends to throw you off the side when it rotates, however. I may have to add "seats" in the same manner as the flat rides.

Post January 30th, 2014, 8:00 pm

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