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From The Vault: Worlds of Fun 1995 Park Map

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post February 3rd, 2014, 11:00 pm
TheArchitect User avatar
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A great many moons ago Sabrina featured Worlds of Fun's 1995 park brochure in her series here on NPN, and I just came across the park map from that year. Nothing goes better with a park brochure than a park map, nicely painting a picture of the park at the time. So... here goes!


The map was tri-fold style, printed on larger size paper that is a quality that does not scan well. My apologies for the apparent fogginess of these images... I didn't want to mess with them too much though.

In 1995 Worlds of Fun was the Place To Be For Fun! In case you weren't aware. The middle of the season marked the purchased of the park by Cedar Fair, so the styling here is all Hunt Midwest. The panels here give some tips to help visitors have the best day possible, and also highlights the live entertainment offered (including dolphins!). The Health Tips are especially interesting: "If you become overly tired or distressed, take a few minutes to rest and recuperate." I think this could be applied to everyday life... solid advice here folks!


Here's the goods - the actual park map. Make sure to click on the image for the much larger version where detail is available. We're just short of this being from 20 years ago... and the park has changed so much since 1995! Plenty of rides have been removed, The Plunge, Orient Express, Omegatron, and the Zambezi Zinger are some of the most obvious ones. Granted there are plenty of new rides to replace these, so most would say it was a fair trade. The park's original main entrance was still functioning, complete with the Cotton Blossom river boat. Plus there's no sign of Snoopy anywhere - the kids area is still named Pandamonium.

Originally posted by Mike H @NewsPlusNotes
Last edited by Turbo on February 3rd, 2014, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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