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Thorpe Park Ban Rollercoaster Fans From.. {FFS!!}

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Post September 6th, 2009, 3:52 pm

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lol, some of us aren't THAT stereotypicial, you know the only person i know that even remotely resembles the family guy british sterotype (except he has bumfluff (kinda like a beard sort of thing under his chin, everyone hates it) and isn't really posh) is my brother, ashamedly, but even he moved to sweden about a wek ago, so now defend your precious yellow toothed, bo ridden ridden stiff upper lip stereotype now!


oh bother....
Cradled by two loving arms that I'd die for,
One little kiss and Felina goodbye.

Post September 9th, 2009, 5:32 am
gouldy User avatar
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[lol] If you genuinely think we smell, you should visit France, eww.

^ Stereotypes, while usually incorrect, are not entirely un-substantiated. They must begin somewhere as truth, even if eventually blown out of all proportion. Probably the biggest stereotype of the British is the whole teeth thing, which for most people is completely untrue, but the culture here is vastly different to America. The culture is not as much aesthetically focused in this country as it is over there, so things like theeth are probably immediately obvious to an American who is used to watching American television where everyone has perfect (chemically whitened/fake) teeth. The point is, stereotypes on such a large scale MUST be somewhere along the line based in truth.

It's simple, over here we are genrally more concerned with what we would consider more important things than finely honing our perfect self image. Whereas in America, to a lot higher percentage of people, image is vastly more important than most things. While there are people here who are concerned with nothing but image and there are people in the states not at all concerned with image, the mindset of the general populous in the one is more focused on self image and the other more focused on stuff like education

Post September 9th, 2009, 10:38 am

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I would bet if you took a poll and did a ratio (like a pie chart) of the peoples in both countries and what percentage were completely obsessed with themselves, kinda obsessed, dont care and so on - I bet it would be remarkably close. Its just the population of the US is what...5 times greater than that of Britain? 300million to 60million in 2008. lol. Of course itll look like we overwhelmingly are overfocused on our looks but have you ever been to the southern US?

I think we would, but not by that much, have a greater percentage focused on their image. But not as many as I think most people would assume.

Post September 9th, 2009, 10:55 am

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I'm British, i have good teeth & "hone my image to perfection"...

maybe im just gay :P

Post September 9th, 2009, 11:05 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by Real

I would bet if you took a poll and did a ratio (like a pie chart) of the peoples in both countries and what percentage were completely obsessed with themselves, kinda obsessed, dont care and so on - I bet it would be remarkably close. Its just the population of the US is what...5 times greater than that of Britain? 300million to 60million in 2008. lol. Of course itll look like we overwhelmingly are overfocused on our looks but have you ever been to the southern US?

Yeah, I would imagine it's not that far off. I know exactly what you're referring to as regards to the southern states, it's not really the America that we see a lot of over here, because it's not really the image America wants to sell of itself worldwide.

It probably only takes a slight difference in your upbringing to produce an almost completely different mindset in people and something as simple as the television you watch as a youngster probably completely changes the outlook on life and yourself that you might end up with. Television is a good example actually, it is or at least it certainly was very different in the states to what we would see as kids here. Most importantly, the way things are advertised on tv and in the media in general actually. Certainly in the past the advertising in America was far more in your face than it was here I think. We're catching up to that way of thinking now it it seems, but certainly when I was younger advertising campaigns for beauty products and products that were "essential" to looking good, were much more subtle in their approach.

Simple things like that mean that a generation grows up believing that it is extremely important to have white teeth for example, whereas a previous generation (or peeps in another country) might not be so fussed.

Post September 9th, 2009, 11:28 am

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