Hey everyone! Lets present the first CF/CC PA Trip!
Trip Time Line: (7 Days Total)
Day 1. 9:30 AM - Meet at Park-and-Ride just off Route 33 in Easton PA. Drive to first park of the trip, Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. Staying till close. Hotel is right across the street.
Day 2: 8:00 AM - Check out for hotel #1. Drive to hotel #2 and head to Hershey Park. Stay till close.
Day 3: 9:00 AM - Go back for a second day at Hershey Park. Go to Chocolate World and Zoo America. After closing of the Park we go back to the hotel.
Day 4: 7:00 AM - Wake up and make the drive to Knoebels. Spend the day at Knoebels. Possible trip to the GCI HQ if allowable. Around 9:00 PM we will gather at Phoenix and ride it and Twister before going back to the hotel in Hershey.
Day 5: 6:00 AM - Check out of hotel #3. Begin long drive to Pittsburgh and have fun at Kennywood. Might even take in a Pirates game if they are home at the time. Extra charge for that though. Check into hotel around 3:00 PM.
Day 6: 7:00 AM - Check out of hotel in Pittsburgh and head to Erie and Waldameer. Again around 3:00 PM we will check in to the hotel. Might even take some time to go swim in lake Erie. Try to spot TTD!
Day 7: 7:00 AM - Check out of hotel and start long annoying drive back to Easton Park-and-Ride off Route 33. Its going to take about 6 hours so have fun some how. Then, say your good-byes. The trip is over.
Costs: Being determined at this time. There is a special open to a few people if you jump on this trip. More on that later.
Dates: Start 6/29/2010 - End 7/05/2010
Parks: Dorney Park, Hershey Park, Knoebels, Kennywood, and Waldameer.
Coasters: Talon, Ravine Flyer II, New un-named coaster, Lightning Racer, Phoenix, and other GREAT rides.
Deposits will be needed. As of right now, we have shirt to offer, that is $15. Trip deposits will be announced in about 2 or 3 weeks. Total cost will be announced in about a month. Payment plans are available. All rates, (except the RV special), reflect double occupancy. Prices do NOT include taxes or tips. We will be working on getting ERT and what-not. Its not 100% though. The parks do reserve the right to close any/all rides for any reason. There is nothing that can be done about it. Also, anything you bring on the trip, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR! Dont bring something you dont want to lose.
So, anyone interested?
Non-RV Special: $1365.97
Pending RV Special: $1000.00* (See below.)
Guest List:
1. Tetsu (RV)
2. Phil (Hotel)
4. Compact B&M Hyper Contest Winner (RV)
Possible Guests:
1. Oscar
2. TConwell
3. gazag
4. rcking04
5. Dirk_Ermen
6. Onjin
7. CKidd
8. slosprint
RV Special cost will be reduced if the person donates $500.00 to the cost of the RV. That is a total trip cost of only $300.00. This means you will save $200.00!!! Rundown on the costs of the RV Special Include: Gas for both the RV and the Generator, Park Tickets, Your Stay in the RV, Food, Parking, and Tolls. If you donate to the cost of the RV though, you pay for Park Tickets and one night in the RV. Everything else is FREE!!! This is a limited offer though. Jump on it quickly! This offer is only open to members of CoasterFuel and/or CoasterCrazy.
Now then the comment that your all thinking. Yes it will be my RV, however, it is meant for us to use on future CoasterCrazy "Road Trips". This makes the RV the sites as well. Which makes it YOURS to.