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PTR: Kings Dominion & Hershey Park

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post July 9th, 2009, 6:08 pm

Posts: 288
Points on hand: 827.00 Points
Location: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Hello there, I finally got around to downloading my pictures from my recent (very bad ending) trip to Maryland. Here are the KD photo's, the random MD & Hershey Park photo's will be up shortly.

On we go!

After first entering the park. Dominator with its three car pile-up. Sad.

That famous loop. This ride was intense from start to finish, it was also my first floorless, which scared me to be honest with you, I actually was filled with butterflies instead of excitement. It was well worth it!!


Beserker, hurts my male parts.


Now, i've ridden Kumba & it either takes the cobra roll WAY too fast or it just wasn't designed the same as Dominator because I felt two huge pops of air going in and out of it. Nonetheless, I liked it. :)

My flash was on, but didn't realize it until it was too late, thus the train halfway out of the picture.

I noticed on the ending part there's a lot of unused flanges, I have a better picture, but does anyone know why this is?



Fun pre-lift-EXTRAVOGANZA!

Again, unaware of the flash.

Intenseness. Hey, it must be a word, it doesn't say to fix it.


I like being artsy with these, I find fun it it.

OMG, so freaking fast my face hurt after.

Optical illussion.

Fun, but not worth waiting in a hour and a half like in 90* weather. The launch was a good surprise, although I knew it was coming. I love the intesity. Also, aren't the rolls suppose to be 0-g's, or am i mislead, beacuse I was thrown to the side going through each of them.

Oh fun!

Not very many photo-ops on this one, no, no, no.

Oh, water coaster eh?




EVER!! Seriously, I'm afraid of heights like no other. I screamed like a little school girl on christmas day the entire way down. The person next to me was laughing at me. On top of that, before boarding, I couldn't get the SFKK incident out of my head, thus scaring the S#!T out of me.

Vibrates way to much.



Better . . . ? Worse . . . ?

Okay, so this thing is a win-lose ride. The ride is extremely fun & filled with airtimegasmness. The bad part, the two low turns. They shake very violently and the entrances & exits thrust you to the side, and it hurts like a major B!*@#!. Otherwise I wouldn't mind re-rides.

There was an employee with a puddy knife, reaching her tiny are through a hole in the fence scraping off gum of the wall. She didn't look like she was getting anywhere.

I don't even know.

Again, I don't know.

Another paiful coaster. The drop was cool, but after that, it's major vibrating and jerks.




Leaving, still.



This is what I was talking about earlier. Did the forces change from the lake to the Dominion?

Still leaving. We walk slow.

Me likey. I wanted to get a leading lines photo with the support, but my friend's a B!%@# and yelled at me.

Bye-Bye big loop. :(

Bye-Bye KD. :(

This is where I started getting teary.

Okay, not really, but I don't get to go to parks outside of WOF very often, maybe every three years or so.



My pictures always come out foggy looking & I hate it!!


I would have guessed an X-Car, but we've recently found out it's an Intamin Hyper. I'm pissed I won't be riding it anytime soon.

A final farewell.

I hope you enjoy. Also, may I note that the way the garmin took us seemed like we were being led into a dense forest where we would discover our doom and never be able to escape. Seriously, my friend had a panic attack because she though we were in the middle of nowhere (which I found out we actually were) & I went on a screaming rampage due to her freaking out. We had to pull over and find out that if we go 1/4 of a mile down the road we're on, we take a left and we're there. After seeing the very first sign for KD, this is where it looked like a dense forest of nothing. It was a single lane strip of concrete surrounded by trees, and more trees.

Anyway, I'm done, BYE!

Post July 9th, 2009, 6:19 pm

Posts: 472
Points on hand: 1,282.00 Points

Post July 9th, 2009, 6:27 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
The flanges on the spine of the track I believe are on the turn after the corks. There used to hold a walkway that went under and in front of the turn. Almost as if it could valley there or something.

Plus that entire section used to be over marsh so inspecting the track wouldnt be so easy. The platform would help that but I dont remember it to be honest. Not at GL anyways. Maybe something they scrapped later after fabrication.

Post July 10th, 2009, 9:44 am

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 1,290.00 Points

Post July 12th, 2009, 9:46 am

Posts: 15
Points on hand: 1,428.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom
Nice I live in the UK and there's no perticually thrilling parks here. Anyway nice pictures I hope you had a good time.

Post July 18th, 2009, 7:46 pm

Posts: 8
Points on hand: 53.00 Points
Location: Edmonton, You mean province? Alberta.., Canada
I want to go there so bad. I lol'd at the Drop Zone!

Post July 18th, 2009, 8:01 pm

Posts: 312
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Location: USA

Post July 18th, 2009, 9:07 pm

Posts: 2113
Points on hand: 2,704.00 Points
Why is it bad that rebel yell too vibraty. I rode it last year and it was great and there were only a couple rough parts.

Oh and hurler is only fun if you sit on the right seat so you dont smash against the side on the 1st turn.

Post July 18th, 2009, 10:00 pm

Posts: 836
Points on hand: 3,207.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN

Nice trip report. I think it's funny though that you can tell who's from TPR by how they do their captions. [lol]

Post July 18th, 2009, 10:34 pm

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
HAHA Great pictures. I enjoyed KD a few years ago before Dominator but I rode it at GL. More intense floorless ever. Anyone else notice that the loop wasn't re-painted??? Or at least is a diff. shade of yellow??? It is most noticable in the second picture. You can see at the bottom of the drop where it changes. Anyone know why??

Post July 19th, 2009, 12:04 am

Posts: 6124
Points on hand: 10,012.00 Points
Location: Minnesota, USA
Originally posted by haydawg149

Fun, but not worth waiting in a hour and a half like in 90* weather. The launch was a good surprise, although I knew it was coming. I love the intesity. Also, aren't the rolls suppose to be 0-g's, or am i mislead, beacuse I was thrown to the side going through each of them.

It just baffles me that so many people assume flat heartline rolls should be 0g. Just think for a second. Flat. Rolling. Lats and negatives are imminent!

Post September 23rd, 2009, 10:40 am

Posts: 6
Points on hand: 508.00 Points

Post September 23rd, 2009, 12:36 pm

Posts: 379
Points on hand: 1,051.00 Points
Location: Santa Clarita, CA, USA
I really wish they would pain Dominators Loop and trains! It looks so silly. Overall, great pics!

Post September 23rd, 2009, 3:41 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
You really thought Grizzly was painful? Did you at least enjoy it?
Just keep scrolling...

Post September 23rd, 2009, 4:00 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Posts: 2511
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The reason for the extra flanges is because the ride had a different support structure at it's previous park before it was moved.

Post September 23rd, 2009, 4:36 pm

Posts: 3
Points on hand: 1,029.00 Points
I really enjoyed seeing all those pictures of Dominator. The last time I went to Kings Dominion was in 1997 when Volcano first opened. Hopefully I'll get to go to KD in October. Its looks like you had a lot of fun.

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