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question for those who create environments & objs.

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Oscar User avatar
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I was wondering if you guys would like me to have some sort of set up to upload these. I currently have another site on another server which has unlimited space but is not as reliable as on the host I am but I am willing to upload files such as environments etc to there and add like another board to where you can advertise it and have a download link. What do you guys/gals think?

Post September 4th, 2002, 1:45 pm

Posts: 106
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Location: Finland

It's ok if you don't have that much space, but mostly it's just waste of time to download many files from propably even different places. Maybe you could add a special link in the coaster lookup for environments and objects to easen it up

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Post September 4th, 2002, 1:48 pm
Oscar User avatar
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hmmm you are right then again I could use my other site which ias tons of space and add a link in the upload page that says "go here to upload objects" or something in that nature, I dunno I'm nto sure yet. I want to make it convenient for the user, (you)

Post September 13th, 2002, 10:44 am

Posts: 947
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I think there hasn't has to be one because you can just upload one zip file on the exchange inclusing all the files, including textures enviroments and cartextures. So if you make clear to ppl they can upload all there track stuff in one zip file that should work.


Post September 13th, 2002, 1:48 pm
Oscar User avatar
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issue is space ,space , space , space. If I keep letting you guys upload environments to your track, which most files are 800 kb and up I'll run out soon. Some of the tracks I have edited and move the environment elsewhere and added the link to it in your description. I'll see what I can do.

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