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Six Flags Great Adventure - 10/12/2009

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 16th, 2009, 12:12 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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Me and my group of friends (about 10 of us) got to the park around 10:30. Got into the park a little after that. First ride of the day was Ka. I was finishing a drink that I brought into the park, via my hoodie pocket. After finishing that, I got in line. About 45 seconds after I got into the station, the left side opened. I got on the ride in the front row in about 5 minutes. We sat in the station for about 5 minutes after getting on the train. After that we got dispatched. Launched up the top hat and...........going.......going slower........slower......thoughts of a roll back......or stopping on the top hat......went down. [:(] So close. And that was the closest any train got to a roll back the whole day.

Second ride of the day (also with the longest wait) was El Toro. The whole group got on the back of train 2 (B). Pretty decent ride. Still feel that its lacking though.

Third ride of the day was Bizzaro. Effects were decent. Sound track was not loud enough to hear. Fire was cool. And really powerful to. Probably my favorite part of Medu....Bizzaro now.

Then we stopped for a brake. Ate chick and fries for about $8.00. Not bad considering its an amusement park.

Next I went to Batman: The Ride. The rest of my group went on Nitro. Batman has got to be the LAMEST excuse for an Invert I have ever ridden.

Next was the other Batman, the Dark Knight. Better then last time. The "bang" got me the first time. Nice one Joker. Only thing I didnt like was that horn/light blaring and shigning (sp?) in my face/ears.

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After that, we rode Superman. Gotta love the Pretzel Loop.

Then three of us rode Great American Scream Machine Presented by Schwarzkopf Hair Gel. Yes, thats Schwarzkopf as in the roller coaster manufacturer. The ride almost killed us.

After that, it was time for me to ride Nitro. It was closed to take a train off. Nice to be able to help the attendant out in explaining why and for how long the ride was down. Ride eventually re-opened. Rode in the second row. Now I know why the middle sucks on a B&M Hypper. This ride is the only ride that moved into my top 10. Pushed out TTD. Nitro now sits at number 8 on my top ten.

After that, we went back to Ka and Toro and finished with Ka again.

Actually not though. At about 8:05 PM we got in line for Houdini. All I have to say is that if you havent ridden this, or something like it, you MUST DO IT!!! This ride really messes with your scenes. Thats all I am going to say.

All in all a great day with great friends.

Post October 16th, 2009, 7:53 am

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Sounds like you had a fun time!
Did you wear your Dorney Crap?

Post October 16th, 2009, 8:25 am
gouldy User avatar
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with regards to El Toro, what exactly do you mean by "Pretty decent ride. Still feel that its lacking though."? I'm just wondering what you feel is lacking is all?

I felt that in terms of what it actually does to your body, it was probably one of the most impressive rides I'd ever been on and it was my favourite ride at that park by a long shot. I hold it now on a par with Nemesis, Megafobia and Stealth (Thorpe Park) as one of my top rides. In the back row especially, it seemed to me as if it was just a given that all enthusiasts would hold the ride in extremely high regard, like it would be in everyone's top 5 without even thinking about it.

Is that just me, or?

Post October 16th, 2009, 9:07 am
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Post October 16th, 2009, 9:15 am

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lol I feel like ET's slightly lacking in some spots and very slightly lacking overall (even at my #2 spot), but I definitely don't think it's lacking in laterals, especially with the dynamic ones in the first half of the end section. Also note that it gets noticeably faster throughout the day, and the lats increase some as it goes. To each his own though lol.

Post October 16th, 2009, 5:52 pm
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^ yeah, to each his own, but that is what I sort of meant. To me it seemed to negate individual "tastes" and just seemed to be like as an enthusiast, how could you fail to be impressed by this? If you know what I mean. I do agree though that there wasn't a lot of laterals, but then again, it is a steel coaster... [lol]

Post October 16th, 2009, 6:02 pm

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Post October 16th, 2009, 6:13 pm
gouldy User avatar
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yeah, it's made from wood as it's construction material, but it is designed and built like a steel one. IMO it's an amazing combination

Post October 16th, 2009, 9:04 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

^it was lacking laterals

Are you kidding me, that last twisty section has CRAZY lats on the transtions. You know those things on the sides of the seats? They used to be plastic but they kept getting broken so they had to replace them and make them steel. Those last transitions are SO fun because of the lats. Our ert was in the rain so i couldnt see when it was coming because i had my hood over my eyes and it was pitch black out, and when we hit that one airtime hill then went straight into those transitions... WOW. The fun part about those transitions is that at the beginning they throw you out to the side of the way your turning, then as you start turning the other way it tosses you to the other side, and in between there are some crazy gs too. I LOVE THE WHOLE RIDE WITH A PASSION[:)][:)][:)][:)]

ANd dont forget the way it throws you to the side as you enter that one helix on the turnaround. And the lats as you curve into the drop in the back.

And dont even get me started on that drop. It gives you the craziest airtime and it feels like it will never end. Its like a mini more powerful millenium drop, but just as much punch. Possibly the most amazing drop in the US.

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