I am starting to get FVD, which i am really happy about. There are a few things i am a little confused about though.
I am trying to make a perfect lift hill, or at least just the beginning of the lift hill for practice. I want the speed of the lift to be 8 KM/H (5mph). So i converted 8 km/h to m/s, which came out to about 2.2 m/s. When i put that for the initial speed, it takes a long time plot it, then comes up with a 99999 Null error. Why is that?
Also, after messing around with g-force times, i finally got the lift hill to start flat and raise at about 45 degrees, or somewhere near that. I set gPunk = 1+4*tFunk during the gTimeA to gTimeB case.
What i dont get here is how come when the force is 5 (1+4) it makes a 45 degree slope (or something near that)? When i would make rollercoaster in the editor by hand and make a slope around 45 degrees, they would have no where near 5 g's... Am i reading something wrong?
If you can answer these id be really happy.