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Top UK Coasters?

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Post October 24th, 2009, 6:17 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah, this is one hell of a n00b topic, but I don't give a flying monkey dong. With explanation, compile me a list of your top 5 UK coasters for my amusement. Whether you're British or Tazmanian, w/e, just do it. Not been to the UK? Don't care, you can still compile a top 5 wish list.


Post October 24th, 2009, 7:57 pm

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My top five which I rode this year are:

1) Nemesis
2) Saw:The Ride
3) Nemesis Inferno
4) Stealth
5) Colossus

Post October 24th, 2009, 8:02 pm

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That one at Spanish city in Whitley Bay
The one in the NEW Metroland
The Beastie
Flying Fish
The Rat

Oh you meant proper rollercoasters :p

Nemesis - No competition, small, no gimmicks, just perfection lurking in the corner. Even though Nemesis inferno has the same 4 elements, there is absolutely no competition, inferno barely woke me up.
Stealth - Took my breath away, even if it's just 20 seconds long.
Oblivion - yeah, it's gimmicky, and it's a real waste of a 180ft drop, but it's one hell of a drop.
Pepsi max - That first drop, and the feeling of "poop, where's the WD-40 in this place?"
Colossus - gimmicky again, but I've not ridden many here :p That mini airtime hill before the cobraroll with the momentum from just after loop is the single bit that makes the coaster.

Coasters I want to ride (in the UK): G-force, Shockwave, Saw (would have done if it hadn't love broke down), The Ultimate (If I can do that without visiting LWV), Mumbo Jumbo, Megaphobia and SW6 (If the lightweight track is a deception)

Coaster types I want in the UK: B&M Hyper, Floorless, Intamin mega, Strata, mega-lite

Post October 25th, 2009, 10:09 am
gouldy User avatar
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^ don't expect good things of Saw, although the guy above you seems to like it [lol] and how has PMBO made it into your top 5? Also, G-Force and Shockwave? Are you joking me that you want to ride these coasters? How far from Drayton Manor do you live? Because if you live further away than Brum, don't bother!

I never put my list:

1*. Nemesis
1*. Megafobia
3. Stealth
4. Nemesis Inferno (come on, you have to love that final helix!)
5. Almost every other coaster in the uk

The top 3, for me are the only 3 "great" coasters in the UK. The 4th place is the one "Very good" coaster and the 5th place is taken by pretty much everything else, which are all "alright". [lol]

Post October 25th, 2009, 10:26 am

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Originally posted by gouldy

^ don't expect good things of Saw, although the guy above you seems to like it [lol] and how has PMBO made it into your top 5? Also, G-Force and Shockwave? Are you joking me that you want to ride these coasters? How far from Drayton Manor do you live? Because if you live further away than Brum, don't bother!

I'm a mackem, but in Loughborough at the moment, but shockwave and g-force intrigue me. That Bent cuban 8 on g-force looks good. :p Plus I've not tried them yet :p

PMBO is a canny ride, it's better than innfusion as that's just an off the shelf headbanger, although some of the leg-choppers on there are damn good :p.

Nemmy Inferno is like a toy B&M invert. yeah, some of those turns look rediculously tight, but it's so slow! Plus there's none of the suspense of Nemesis - you see inferno before you hear it. It's the other way round with nemesis (provided you keep your eyes closed on the monorail)

(Oh I want a GG and an intamin prefab as well)

Post October 25th, 2009, 10:34 am
gouldy User avatar
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yeah, these reasons are why Inferno is good and Nemesis is great. Inferno isn't slow though, it has some pretty decent forces and it travels through both or it's corkscrews a lot faster than Nemesis traverses either of it's corkscrews, but the "better" shaping of Inferno would lead you to believe otherwise.

Post October 25th, 2009, 12:51 pm

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top 5 well here we go

1, NEMESIS - by far the best coaster in the uk and is totally individual in its shaping, style and layout. there can never be another NEMESIS

2, MEGAPHOBIA - its one hell of a woodie, lots of airtime, lats and abit of pain thrown in to make it one hell of a rollercoaster and all i expect of a woodie

3, MUMBO JUMBO - its small, its sweet, its glass smoth and comfortable but is very deciving as it prodices some wicked hangtime and some wierd sensations thought it.

4, THE GRAND NATIONAL - yes another woodie in my top 5. since they have now taken away the mid corse LIM breaks to slow it down the mid section airtime is insane as the corners are very very fast and in some cases painful.

5, SPEED - i love eurofighters and this is my fav of the 3 uk ones. the airtime hill is extreme and the final helix is also extreme, its very simple but packs alot of diffrent forces thought the ride. the area it stands in is very bere thought and deserves some themeing.

there are one hell of alot of good coasters here gouldy and i dont know why you dont think so? but yes we do have alot of bad ones too.
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Post October 25th, 2009, 1:25 pm
gouldy User avatar
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nah, most of the coasters here are pretty average, and I didn't really want to put anything from Blackpool in my top 5 [:P] even if Grand National might almost deserve it!

A lot of the coasters here are decent, but there is only a small number of very good coasters, such as Nemesis, Megafobia and Stealth. Even Stealth isn't amazing, but it just packs you with an amazing thrill, for my mind anyway. I can't say anything really for the likes of Mumbo Jumbo, because I've never ridden it, but I think that does look pretty sweet

Post October 25th, 2009, 1:53 pm

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Okay, okay, this is tough because i dont think there are many that i would regard as great roller coasters. And a few that i do, sadly arent operating anymore. But i think this is my top 5 UK coasters:

1. Nemesis - Obviously. It cant really be beaten can it by any other UK ride. Everything is just perfect, and intense. Ive ridden it so many times but still everytime it just feels as good as the last.
2. Bullet - Oh my, i only got to ride it a few times, but it was just insanity from when the train first jolted backwards, right until the end. Schwarzkopf was a genius. Fact.
Now this is where it gets tricky, no other rides compare to those two for me. But my next would probably be:
3. The Ultimate - I love how violent and unique this ride is. Its like when building it they totally threw every single rule out the window and just started building random track until they got bored. The run from the second drop until the end is just so great, twisting through the trees, smashing you into the odd unclipped branch. Its just great, insanely violent fun.
4. Odyssey - A good vekoma. A very good, very big Vekoma. And 40 mins from home, i cant complain.
5. Colossus - Simply for the 4 heartline rolls in a row i love this ride. Its one of the only rides, bar nemesis, that has actually made me a little disorientated. And for that, it beats Inferno etc in my opinion.

I think my list would probably be very different if i'd been to Oakwood though i have to say, i'd be expecting Megaphobia to come after Bullet in this from what i've heard, with maybe Speed even making it somewhere in my top 5. But alas, one day we shall see.

Post November 1st, 2009, 9:17 am

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SAW:the ride becuase its the only decent themed ride in the UK and if you say oblivion or nemesis well i just dont like b&m becuas ei liek to be diffrent. Also its got an amazing indoor section and some strong g's. Plus i can just see it from my house.

The Vampire- What a legend coaster might be tame but its one heck of coaster.

Megaphobia- What an amazing wooden coaster, thats all i can say.

Colossus- This is an great coaster i love the airtime hill and the inline twist.
G-FORCE- I love the airtime and hangtime but it hurts alot.

Post November 1st, 2009, 10:22 am

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How does seeing it from your house make it better?

Post November 1st, 2009, 10:56 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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top UK you say?

From what i've ridden:
1. Grand National (Blue Train + Left Lifthill! = <3<3<3<3 )
2. Wild Mouse
3. Stealth
4. Dragon's Fury
5. Nemesis

Including Non-Ridden coasters:
1. Megafobia
2. Grand National
3. Big Dipper
4. Bullet
5. Speed: The Ride
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
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Post November 1st, 2009, 11:46 am

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^Really?!?! You'd put Stealth over Nemesis? And Dragon's Fury? And Wild Mouse?

Post November 1st, 2009, 11:54 am
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Originally posted by vampire

^Really?!?! You'd put Stealth over Nemesis? And Dragon's Fury? And Wild Mouse?

Yes! You can see that, right? [;)]
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Post November 1st, 2009, 1:49 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by rollerross

SAW:the ride becuase its the only decent themed ride in the UK

ok what are you talking about!? There are so many things wrong with that, it's unbelievable...

Firstly, you think that Saw:TR is decently themed? Putting a police car with some blood on it and putting the ride inside a shed, does NOT make it decently themed.

Secondly, have you ever been to a theme park in the UK other than Thorpe Park? There's even rides at bloody Blackpool with better themeing than Saw.

I repeat again, wtf are you talking about?

Post November 1st, 2009, 4:30 pm

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3.Grand National
5.Rita-Queen of Speed

That's out of what I've ridden, anyway. =]
Screw Commercialism. It's Dr.Gumbo, not CokeZero.

Post November 1st, 2009, 9:09 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

Originally posted by rollerross

SAW:the ride becuase its the only decent themed ride in the UK

ok what are you talking about!? There are so many things wrong with that, it's unbelievable...

Firstly, you think that Saw:TR is decently themed? Putting a police car with some blood on it and putting the ride inside a shed, does NOT make it decently themed.

Secondly, have you ever been to a theme park in the UK other than Thorpe Park? There's even rides at bloody Blackpool with better themeing than Saw.

I repeat again, wtf are you talking about?

yes I have acctualy i have been to most theme parks in the UK, Blackpool to be just well i could explain but its just not my kind of scene, and personally it more than just that its acctually decently themed becuase it acctualy has a theme unlike so many coasters in the uk,finally its my opinion and i dont care what you guys say tbh.

Post November 1st, 2009, 9:40 pm

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Bar the coasters at drayton manor, and the odd slc dotted around the place, UK coasters are the most themed coasters around. Even the ones at blackpool are traditionally themed coasters.

If you're gonna say Saw is your favourite ride, fine. If you're not a fan of B&M, fine (even if in my book that makes you a raving lunatic). But you can't say it's the only decently themed ride in the UK when there are masterpieces like Nemesis around. In fact I'd argue that the Sewer Rat at lightwater valley is better themed than Saw (even if the ride is quite crap and the mice cars are cheesy - although I am very very biased against saw as I had to wait THREE love HOURS for the bastard thing, only for the queue to be closed due to malfunction)

Post November 2nd, 2009, 5:36 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by rollerross

Originally posted by gouldy

Originally posted by rollerross

SAW:the ride becuase its the only decent themed ride in the UK

ok what are you talking about!? There are so many things wrong with that, it's unbelievable...

Firstly, you think that Saw:TR is decently themed? Putting a police car with some blood on it and putting the ride inside a shed, does NOT make it decently themed.

Secondly, have you ever been to a theme park in the UK other than Thorpe Park? There's even rides at bloody Blackpool with better themeing than Saw.

I repeat again, wtf are you talking about?

yes I have acctualy i have been to most theme parks in the UK, Blackpool to be just well i could explain but its just not my kind of scene, and personally it more than just that its acctually decently themed becuase it acctualy has a theme unlike so many coasters in the uk,finally its my opinion and i dont care what you guys say tbh.

I also dislike Blackpool, hence the word "bloody" before the name of the place.

I appreciate that it's your opinion, and I'm glad that your opinion differs because if we all had the same opinion, the place would be very borind [lol]

Post November 2nd, 2009, 12:08 pm

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I find it hard to believe Bullet has only made it into one UK top 5 so far, and Dirks wish list. Seriously. One of the most famous Schwarzkopf coasters made, it even got removed from a park for being too intense. Thats how good it was man!!! [lol] I know its opinion and all, but come on! [lol]

I wonder if the new ride at alton next year will make it into anyones top 5 next year. Ive been looking at some photos of recent construction, and i have to say, that first helix and airtime hill are TINY compared to the drop, so, hopefully it'll be airtime galore! [lol]

Post November 2nd, 2009, 2:32 pm
gouldy User avatar
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mate, it's going to be forceless and dull [lol] "family coaster"...

And where are you seeing these pictures? I've been trying to follow the constructiob, because I've heard it's going pretty quick, but I can't find pics!

Post November 2nd, 2009, 3:04 pm

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Post November 2nd, 2009, 9:05 pm

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Gouldy i linked a few pictures here which gave me a little hope. [:D] Dont expect anything amazing, but it looks better than i think you're expecting.

Post November 3rd, 2009, 8:05 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by Toxic

I think Nemesis is the best ride in the UK to me

It's a very good ride, but imo it's starting to get overrated... [lol]
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Post November 3rd, 2009, 9:32 am
gouldy User avatar
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^ Don't forget that a lot of people probably haven't ridden much else and so don't have a lot to compare it with [;)]

Whereas you appear to have travelled the world 3 times over!

But certainly in terms of what's in this country, it is always bound to be most people's favourite. Really, what challenges it, other than Megafboia (which is miles out of the way, for everyone) or some of the woodies at Blackpool, or Stealth.

Like I said before, there really isn't many "world class" rides here. Basically, only the few rides I just mentioned.

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