ya basically for a band thats just starting off on a tour, things can be really tough. The record company barely gives you enough money for food and gas, and maybe if you're lucky they pay for a hotel every now and then. Besides that, you live in a van. Literally, for about 10 months out of the year. A tour can last up to a month and you'll have 3 or 4 days in between before the next tour starts up. I've been dating the same girl for almost five years, and I've wanted a teaching degree my entire life and i just don't feel that i could stand 10 months of constant touring. I think i'd go crazy. Plus two of the guys in the band are twin brothers, and they'll go arguing about economics or politics for up to 4 hours at a time while driving to a venue. it gets really annoying on the way home when its 4 in the morning and all you want to do is sleep. Plus, everyone else in the band is 23, and I'm 19, so I'm kinda the outcast, which gets annoying. After shows they all scurry off and go into all the 21 and up bars. I get to sit in the van and maybe read a book. I realize its a once in a lifetime thing, and that doesn't make a difference to me. touring just isn't my thing. Maybe in the future sometime.
Here's a link to our myspace, although i'm sure alot of you guys won't care for their sound a whole lot. Me and our other guitarist have only been in the band for a month so there aren't any pics or videos of the new members yet, and i'll be gone before there is.