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Off The Water (my band)

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Post November 13th, 2009, 12:18 am

Posts: 318
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Hey guys. I'm from San Diego and I have a cool band, Off The Water. We record professionally by the producer of Switchfoot and our EP is on the way. We have released a couple of tracks on our myspace.

Check out the recording of "For Your Consideration".
We are an alternative-ish/modern rock band. We play many shows around San Diego County. If anyone is interested, tickets are cheap and our show listings are on the myspace.
Thanks for reading!
Last edited by chickenbowl on November 13th, 2009, 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post November 13th, 2009, 12:32 am
jayman Premium Member
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neato , i'm just over avacado in casa de oro . let me know when you want to record something artistic im down i got an apartment full of analog gear and a decent pro tools rig less than 4 miles away ..

Post November 13th, 2009, 12:35 am

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I play in a band called The Rise of Science. We have attention from multiple record companies (triple crown, rise, equal vision) but i'm leaving soon cuz i don't want to go on tour. yay for me.

Post November 13th, 2009, 2:44 am

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^^yeah. thats sick. I love messing around with stuff like that. A year ago, my budding made tis recording hook-up in his trailer and garage to record us. We used this tape recording machine. Its sounded sweet.

Post November 13th, 2009, 3:16 am

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A little fast/punky for me but for what you're going for it's very good. Your singer is good...articulate yet manages to stay away from the emo whine which is always nice.

Should say that the recording/mastering is very well done too, although I'd like to hear it without the shitty Myspace compression.

Post November 13th, 2009, 6:30 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by tmv8888

I play in a band called The Rise of Science. We have attention from multiple record companies (triple crown, rise, equal vision) but i'm leaving soon cuz i don't want to go on tour. yay for me.

damn dude, If I was in your position I would probably tour with them for a year just for the experience. What else would you be doing with your life? Going to college? Agreed, definately more worthwhile, but a year of your life is just a year behind in the game so to speak. You have your whole life to get a college degree and i mean really how many people get to go on tour with their band and see the many clubs the country has to offer? Only a handful I would say.

Post November 13th, 2009, 7:39 am

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^Dude, you're barking up the wrong tree. I, and some of mine and Mike's other friends have already had this talk with him, lol. He's set on coming back. Where I would kill to be in that position(or in any position giving me a chance to be doing anything then what I am now, nothing) he doesn't like it. I personally think he should give it more time as well, but he isn't happy. So I guess it's not his thing.

And that's not saying anything bad to you Mike. I understand why you want to come back. And since you are coming back, I can't love wait to chill at your house, drink some damn coffee, and make some love coasters!!! I miss those times! haha.

Post November 13th, 2009, 12:14 pm

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ya basically for a band thats just starting off on a tour, things can be really tough. The record company barely gives you enough money for food and gas, and maybe if you're lucky they pay for a hotel every now and then. Besides that, you live in a van. Literally, for about 10 months out of the year. A tour can last up to a month and you'll have 3 or 4 days in between before the next tour starts up. I've been dating the same girl for almost five years, and I've wanted a teaching degree my entire life and i just don't feel that i could stand 10 months of constant touring. I think i'd go crazy. Plus two of the guys in the band are twin brothers, and they'll go arguing about economics or politics for up to 4 hours at a time while driving to a venue. it gets really annoying on the way home when its 4 in the morning and all you want to do is sleep. Plus, everyone else in the band is 23, and I'm 19, so I'm kinda the outcast, which gets annoying. After shows they all scurry off and go into all the 21 and up bars. I get to sit in the van and maybe read a book. I realize its a once in a lifetime thing, and that doesn't make a difference to me. touring just isn't my thing. Maybe in the future sometime.

Here's a link to our myspace, although i'm sure alot of you guys won't care for their sound a whole lot. Me and our other guitarist have only been in the band for a month so there aren't any pics or videos of the new members yet, and i'll be gone before there is.

Post November 13th, 2009, 12:22 pm

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Originally posted by jayman

neato , i'm just over avacado in casa de oro . let me know when you want to record something artistic im down i got an apartment full of analog gear and a decent pro tools rig less than 4 miles away ..

dude thats sick. i actually perfer Logic studio over protools, not because its better. but its easier to use.

btw. your drummer is pretty good. i like the groove. pretty cool music.
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Post November 13th, 2009, 12:41 pm

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Once you get the hang of protools nothing can beat it though. Logic can't even compare.

Post November 13th, 2009, 3:44 pm

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well it all depends on what your doing. if your doing most of your effects digitally on the application then yeah, protools works. but Logic is very user friendly and allows you to create great audio tracks simply. i actually use Cakewalk Sonar Homestudio. but i have a friend who has Logic and its amazing.
Dont buy starbucks coffee

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Post November 13th, 2009, 5:46 pm
jayman Premium Member
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btw. your drummer is pretty good. i like the groove. pretty cool music.
thanks ! heh .. that's no drummer, thats a sequential circuits drumtraks from 1984, except for "mission control".. thats actually 2 drummers one looped in like 4 bars and the other in 8 or something like that.. and i think the extra snare came from a silly yamaha toy drum pad thingy. ..

Post November 13th, 2009, 6:44 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by chickenbowl

^^yeah. thats sick. I love messing around with stuff like that. A year ago, my budding made tis recording hook-up in his trailer and garage to record us. We used this tape recording machine. Its sounded sweet.
my freind pall(blackheart procession, three mile pilot)has a 24 track tape machine. nothing beats tape .

Post November 13th, 2009, 7:01 pm

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Yeah. I love the sound of tape. Yeah. im the drummer for my band. drumming is the best.

Post November 13th, 2009, 7:31 pm
jayman Premium Member
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good.. then come over mt helix and gimme some beats. i got a '65 ludwig kit in there right now that needs to be played. i dont play drums .. .. ..

Post November 15th, 2009, 3:58 am

Posts: 318
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For sure man. When I have time. Im busy with marching band mostly right now. Drumming takes over my life.

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