Link to template: http://www.coastercrazy.com/track_excha ... ?tid=16288
- Track may NOT exceed 225 feet in height.
- No structure my exceed 230 feet in height.
- Must pass E-Stop and Tunnel Testing.
- Must use a lift hill.
- Lift hill speed may NOT exceed 10 MPH.
- You may choose to use a pre-drop if desired.
- No track my be outside the template.
- Supports my not go out of the template.
- NO supports on the area marked with a RED "X".
- NO track below 30 feet in the box marked with a RED "X".
- NO supports or track below 30 feet in the Purple box.
- Terra-forming is NOT allowed inside the template. (IE: No underground tunnels with a 3Ds land mass.)
- 3Ds other then a station and tress are allowed. Please note that 3Ds will be turned off for scoring.
- G-Forces: Vert: -2 +4
Lat: +/- 1.7
Acc: +/- 1.75
- Train must have no more then 9 cars but no less then 7.
- Run at least 3 trains.
- Track MUST have a Service, Transfer, Safety, and "Waiting" (Holding) block. (IE: 4 brake blocks and station. Transfer may be placed between the lift and the station.)
Try to make the colors stand out. There is a highway nearby and you want people to see the ride. Keep cost in mind. Your budget is $10,000,000 USD. Try to hit a high capacity. This is going to be the new star attraction of the park. Lots of people will want to ride it throughout the year. Capacity goal is around 2800 PPH.
Grand Prize: One all expenses paid trip on the RV for the PA Road Trip (Non-transferable. You pay for airfare if needed. Parks are paid for you.) or, 10,000 Points.
Second Prize: 5,000 Points
Third Prize: 2,500 Points
Honorable Mention: 100 Points
December 31 at 11:59:59 PM. Just before the new year ball in NYC drops.
People have been asking about the red and purple areas. The red area is a ride. The purple area is the parks access road. That should answer those questions.
Another question is can you place a footer in the purple zone? The answer is yes, only if no support is attached to it. (IE: Footers to simulate a road.)