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Can somebody convert my picture

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Post January 21st, 2003, 1:05 am

Posts: 12
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Location: Illinoi, USA

Hey~ i need somebody to convert my pic for no limits..thanks!! send it to

**Edit**: Please do not post in all caps
Last edited by G Force Addict on January 22nd, 2003, 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 21st, 2003, 5:18 pm
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Post January 22nd, 2003, 1:19 pm

Posts: 947
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Hi Xbox1234567891011121314151617181920 (or something like that)

If you wan't to do it yourself next time you can use this little tutorail i wrote.

If you can't manage to get your screenshot up and running just use the following instructions:

You can make a screenshot with NL by hitting control and F9 at the same time when in the simulator. You will see Screenshot save in the middle of the screen. This screenshot will be saved to the NL main dir in the subfolder Screenshots.

I am using a program myself for converting files to other formats for cartexture making and stuff like that. It's also very easy for your problem. you can download it here
(Select the system you wich to install it on here, for me that is XP, so i chose windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP when you click that you should select XNview v1.37 Full version(All languages, plugins & NConvert. Download setup (3,9mb) and select a server yourself. If one doesn't work try another.

Install the program and run it.When started click in the toolbar the folder with 2 papers on it and an arrow to the right. Then you will see a new menu. There you should click Add... under the white field. Then browse to you NL screenshots folder and when your there select the screenshots in it. (click the first, hold down shift and click the last, now they will be all selected) Then drag the selected screens in the white field. (you can also click just one and click add) When all the screenshots you wish to convert are in the field click ok.

Now your back in the previous menu. In the upper field (input) you should see the screens you selected. If not do the previous steps again. Now look at the output, next to directory is a white field, next to that is a button "..." Click it and select where you wan't to place you converted screenshots. For example your desktop. When done the location where to convert will be in the white field.

In the dropdown menu under it you will see 92I TI Bitmap, click the arrow on the right. Then select JPG-JPEG / JFIF Then click go on the left bottom of the menu. XNview will convert the files now.

When it is done go to the the directory you selected as your output directory (i said for example the desktop) There you should find alll your screens in the right size.

Now you can select one of those screens for and if you done it all correctly it should work.

Good luck


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