Im working on my b&m shaping skills with newton. Mostly on the transitions. After a good long effort at making a decent quality track, i have decided to give some pics. It may be uploaded when finished depending on whether anyone really cares or not. This is the current track-
Many of the airtime hills are built with the more modern b&m style where they are taken a bit faster and wider as opposed to tall and parabolic and slowing alot as cresting.
Well my goal with newton is not to make the ride smooth, because thats easy to do, i spend a lot of my time perfecting every transition that i can. And making it a quality track. Smoothness is no longer an issue, it is the quality.
My computer just crashed and all of my other nolimits coasters i have been working on were just lost, hopefully temporarily. Thankfully i have a nl backup on a disk and a laptop.