Seriously, this site is for coaster purposes only. not golf, all of your posts usually refer to you an your golf balls, and its really super stupid. Because no one, absolutely NO ONE, (except for you) cares about your golf baLL obsession. So do us a favor and get off of the site and move to a golf forum, or die.
and cool5, I'm sure that you look just as nerdy without them. Oh, and get soem proactiv. Its an ointment to get rid of your acne! Yes! THEY ACTUALLY MAKE IT!!!!
I am going to North Carolina today and hopefully I will find some golf balls at Nannie's and Aunt Linda's place. I hope to stop at Burger King, Wendie's or MC Donald's on the way.
Hmmm... only you would get excited about food which has all its flavour taken out of it, only to be replaced with chemichals to make it all taste the same (yes, that is actually what they do). Also, that is one of the smallest golf ball collections i have ever seen. i have around five tmes that many.
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.
"or if you're when the hydraulic fluid was dumped out of the motor is goes 200ft up the tower and is like "LOL nope"" - CKMWM 2016