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I pulled an all nighter
I feel like I swallowed a brick
You went in the wrong way
I could eat more than you can
There's a bite mark on it!
Marching Band: When in doubt; blow harder, finger faster.
My jaw hurts
How do you make it last so long?
They're better when you suck on them
You're going to poke somebody's eye out with that.
Through the uprights! It's good!
Poke that thing at me one more time and I'll break it in half
Keep it up guys!
Stick it in your mouth and shut up!
It's really stiff right now.
I don't want to go down all the way. I'm afraid I'll get stuck.
From this angle, nothing seems to be going in.
You guys really drained me today
I've had so many I can't even count
I hope you enjoyed!