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New Coaster Design

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Post April 20th, 2004, 4:38 pm

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Ok Guys... i have came up with an Idea for a new coaster design, it seems pretty far fetched but it should work in real life, just thinking of the physics, is they'll work.
Im designing it in 3DS Max and will keep you guys posted on the developement. Im gunna post some shots of just the train and track design and i need you guys to think of some cool names for the new coaster type. If you guys agree that it will work in the real world, i'll actually build and full running model and post the video for you guys to download and lemme know what the 'Virtual Experience' was like.
Just seeing if you guys would be interested in taking a look... and wondering if any of you know where i can upload pics for your viewing pleasure?

Post April 20th, 2004, 4:46 pm
Oscar User avatar
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see the image above, when hitting reply or making a new topic, see the white square? hit that button to open a pop up window to upload images to the post, can upload as many as you want but one at a time. but keep on clicking it to upload and upload more. Try to keep the file sizes somewhat small, the image above was resized by me, any size you image you upload will be kept at the original size and not edited by the server.
p.s. I am interested in viewing this concept.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post April 20th, 2004, 5:05 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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yup, i've noticed that function. you can upload max 100kb. isn't it wws?
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Post April 20th, 2004, 8:40 pm
Oscar User avatar
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something like that, I forgot what I set it to
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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