as I said in the other Intimidator thread, I know exaclty why it is called what it is called and the why it's themed to look the way it is because of it. But I am sorry, "Intimidator" is a bloody awful name for a rollercoaster. It's what you'd expect the roller coaster to be called if they went on one in a Simpsons episode or something, it's laughable.
And I don't hate NASCAR, I usually try and catch it if it's on tv here (which it is often isn't), but as for your question "What do you put on the zero car if your theme is NASCAR?", the answer a simple; you don't theme your rollercoaster after NASCAR. It's an awful theme, it really is, and I actually quite like NASCAR.
NASCAR might be a half decent theme for a coaster like Ring Racer (apart from the fact that they have fairly poor acceleration figures), but really, it's not a theme for a 305ft tall, twisted layout type coaster. And neither is it a theme for a B&M out and back hyper coaster.