The speed must be pretty high, considdering the heighth difference between the station and the barrelroll...
That doesn't matter tho, I ment high speed, as in, fast rotation.
A 0G roll is completely different.
In the 0G roll, there's 0G at the top, so the discomfort is only caused by the rotational forces.
The barrelroll isn't parabolic, so the G forces are constant (1G). And when the train changes orientation, the direction of gravity changes, in relation to your body, thus causing 1G, 1G lateral, -1G and -1G lateral, in this order, while traveling through the element.
So, the barrelroll combines the discomfort caused by the rotational forces with the discomfort of being thrown around by gravity, while the train rotates around the heartline.
ok, so i have finally gotten to a point where I finally feel like the ride is finished, but before I post it, i would like to have a few testers and I think it needs a new name...
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