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how do get 3d objects

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Post February 27th, 2003, 12:01 pm

Posts: 317
Points on hand: 4,515.00 Points
Location: canandaigua, ny, USA
how can u put 3d objects on the game, and the top thrill dragster by real on my computer doesnt have any supports, are they like a special kind or something?

Post February 27th, 2003, 2:10 pm

Posts: 257
Points on hand: 3,012.00 Points
Location: Austria
First, whenever a downloaded track comes with 3DS-pbjects all these objects-files MUST be moved to the '/objects'-subfolder of your NL installation directory or else NL wont 'see' them.

Second, whenever you want to place an 3DS-object within one of your tracks, be sure that this object is within the abovementioned '/objects' folder also, along with any corresponding object textures.

Third, in the NL editor choose menu [Scenery]/[Choose Scene Object..] and select the filename of the 'thingy' you want to place then.

Fourth, see NL-help for scaling and rotating an object within the NL editor (there are different colored handles attached to the object to manipulate it)

hope this helps...


Post March 4th, 2003, 11:54 am

Posts: 317
Points on hand: 4,515.00 Points
Location: canandaigua, ny, USA
but i mean like on one of the rides i recantly downloaded there was like a logflume thing how do i get stuff like that, is there a site were i can download them?

Post March 5th, 2003, 12:11 pm

Posts: 317
Points on hand: 4,515.00 Points
Location: canandaigua, ny, USA
Help please i really need help with this it is bugging the hell out of me please

Post March 5th, 2003, 3:47 pm
Oscar User avatar
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was the logfume file in the zip file? If so extrack that file, should neof .3ds extension and place it in the objcts folder in your nolimits directory, if the object uses textures, place the textures of that object in the objects folder as well. Then when you go to ride that track the object/log fume should appear as well. Sometimes users place links to the objects in their descriptions, so download the object and place it in your objects folder.

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