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[RESULTS] Build SFH's new ride for 2004

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Post March 5th, 2003, 5:42 pm

Posts: 947
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Results Announced

Finally after hours, hours and hours of judging, making internet pages and the movie, the results are online!

You can go to the results main page here:
Please download and view the movie there first before viewing the results chart [8D]

Thanks for participating!! Congrats to the winner off course [:D]

Hello everyone

Today the staff recieved a letter from Six Flags Holland. This letter tells us we can start a contest. The winning coaster will be build for the 2004 season. The letter explains all the rules: Staff
534 Amusement Drive
Compton, CA 90262
United States of America

Dear staff

Six Flags Holland has a big request to the members of your website. In the season 2004 Six Flags Holland will celebrate his fifth anniversary, for this special moment the park decided to build a new coaster. Now we were thinking of involving everyone who wants in the development of this new ride.

We know a lot of your website?????????s member got a coaster-simulator called No Limits. Our idea was to let your website?????????s members design a layout for the new track. You will give them some time for it and send the completed files over to us. We will pick the best one of them and it will be build for the 2004 season!

B&M will build the coaster and it should be a so called Floorless. The height of the coaster should be around 60 meters (196.8 FT) tall. The length of the ride is up to the designers. But the coasters will have to maintain speed. Our ride manager has made a template in the game No Limits in which the coaster should be build. Please place the template for us at the website so your members can download it from there.

We want to receive all the tracks before Sunday the twentieth of April at 11.59P.M. (23:59 hours) The park?????????s ride manager will judge the tracks and announce a winner within a week. Theming will be appreciated and can result in a first place. The judging will be done with a point system. We will give points for: layout, smoothness, staying within template borders, E-stop, clearance envelope (tunnel test), 3ds theming, cartextures, environments, terraforming, supports, coaster type, building technique, adrenaline, difficulty, custom supports, G forces, capacity, timings and last but not least originality.

Supports are allowed to be build outside of the template borders. But all track must be inside. The coaster must be able to operate with at least 3 trains. The coasters trains should have at least 7 cars or more.

Finished track can be send to the parks ride manager Please let your members know that the deadline is Sunday the twentieth of April at 11.59P.M. (23:59 hours)

Thanks in Advance

Sincerely the Six Flags Holland Staff and our Ride Manager: Rolf Galiek

Six Flags Holland
Spijkweg 30
8256 RJ Biddinghuizen
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 (0)321329995

We had to remove the letter because the copyright bureau wanted us to remove it because we were using SFH's logo. Too bad, but rules are rules.

A screenshot from the template:
The station must be placed inside the area marked with the X...

Download the template here:

Please post your questions here and i'll answer them a.s.a.p.

Have fun, and let the best coaster builder win [^]

All rules listed for your comfort:
  • The ride should be a B&M floorless
  • height should be arround 60 meters(196.8 feet)
  • No ride length limits (but keep it realistic)
  • Ride should be build in the template
  • The station must be placed in the area marked with the X
  • Deadline: April 20, 23:59 GMT
  • Supports are allowed outside of the borders, but keep the track in there!
  • the ride has to operate with at least 3 trains with 7 or more cars each
  • You are allowed to edit the terrain with the terraformer, as you can read in the letter we also give point for the Terraforming
  • Finished tracks must be send to

Question answers:
Q: Can we use LIM's?
A: Yes you are allowed to use them. Don't use a lift and LIM's it should be lift OR launch, not some speed up half way or something like that.

Q: Can it be a dueling track?
A: Sure, it's your choice, but you will make it alot harder for yourself.

Q: Can it be a shuttle?
A: Simple question, simple answer: No

Q: what time is 11:59 p.m. GMT in EST?
A: Good question, I figured it out with my atlas and it is -5 hours, so 23:59 GMT = 18:59 EST (also twentieh of April)

Q: If I make a dueling track how many trains should it have?
A: 4, that will probably result in 3 on the first track and 1 on the other.

Q: I think this template is TOO LARGE...
A: I don't think so. This template is made to fit next to Goliath. I choose to make it pretty big so this will really depend on creativity. And if you really think it too big you can off course use only half of it for example. Not all terrain has to be used.

Q: SFH will probably not order more than 2 trucks or soil, so how rough can our terraforming be?
A: Well this is their fifth anniversaire, so you can have 3 truckloads [;)] Just make sure you keep the terraforming realistic.

Q: Was the removed letter real?
A: No, just made it as a nice story arround the contest, sorry for any cunfusion i caused. But I think if you read the adress you would know it was a fake one.

Q: Cartextures allowed? Will there be bonuses given for them?
3ds allowed? Custom environments allowed? Any bonuses given for that?
A: yes, yes, yes, yes btw, i also said all of this will be rewarded with points in the letter [:p]

Q: Does the height (60 m) refer to the height in the editor or is it the height above the ground?
A: It refers to the height above the ground. But keep in mind the more land you raise the more expensive this ride will be in real life.

1: -0- -00/00/00- -no- Coaster Individual out
2: -0- -00/00/00- -no- Noel out
3: -0- -00/00/00- -no- Redunzelizer out
4: -0- -20/04/03- -no- Anthon.Jon
5: -1- -07/03/03- -no- Xtreme15
6: -0- -00/00/00- -no- Wildroller out
7: -1- -20/04/03- -no- Punkrock69
8: -1- -19/04/03- -no- The Edge
9: -0- -00/00/00- -no- WeeWeeSlap out (again)
10:-1- -27/03/03- -no- whitewolf2759
11:-0- -00/00/00- -no- gotenks06 out
12:-1- -20/04/03- -no- cjd
13:-1- -20/04/03- -no-
14:-0- -00/00/00- -no- rwizxizabymb89 out
15:-1- -22/03/03- -no- d3c3pt0r
16:-0- -00/00/00- -no- lpth5 out
17:-5- -20/04/03- -no- Hansixx
18:-1- -20/04/03- -no- A Ridlon.
19:-1- -14/04/03- -no- Matt
20:-2- -20/04/03- -no- Dj-Javixxxxx
21:-1- -20/04/03- -no- sam laming
22:-1- -20/04/03- -no- SMer

I recieved to more tracks from Sam Laming and one from Patrick Malone, maybe you guys think i have a sixth sense but how should i know your member name here at [:p] Please send me a PM if you are one of these 2 guys so i can place you on the list.
Thanks in advance!

If you would like a reminder for this contest you can tell me that here in the topic. Then i will send you a reminder one and two weeks before the deadline

(First column is your number, second column is the number of times you sent in a track, thrid column tells if you wan't to recieve a reminder. And last but not least is the date i recieved your track. Your last entry will be your participating ride)


Post March 5th, 2003, 7:35 pm

Posts: 791
Points on hand: 3,979.00 Points
Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Oh man,I wish I could enter the contest,but sadly I got to get rid of my enternet this month,because were moving back to Florida & I cant get it back till we get a house which will be sometime around May or June.Well,good luck to all who enter it.


Ride to live,live to ride,

Post March 5th, 2003, 8:12 pm

Posts: 87
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Location: Knoxville, TN, USA

Post March 5th, 2003, 8:51 pm

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Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Read the rulse and you will find out.[;)]


Ride to live,live to ride,

Post March 5th, 2003, 9:01 pm
Oscar User avatar
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"The station must be placed inside the area marked with the X..."

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Post March 5th, 2003, 9:08 pm

Posts: 87
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Location: Knoxville, TN, USA
Duh! I read that through 3 times before I posted and didn't see it! lol

Post March 5th, 2003, 10:30 pm

Posts: 868
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Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Wow! This looks intresting enough. Even though I dont have the last contests coaster done yet, I guess I'll try to make one for this contest too.

Post March 6th, 2003, 3:47 am

Posts: 947
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Originally posted by Anthon.Jon

Duh! I read that through 3 times before I posted and didn't see it! lol

hehe, maybe i wasn't to clear on that. But Anthon are you in? [8D]


Post March 6th, 2003, 5:27 am

Posts: 89
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Location: United Kingdom

Im in, but im ill as im typing this, how long do we have?


Post March 6th, 2003, 7:13 am

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Location: Austria
Maybe... probably... possibly... eventualy... in case...

...i'll will give this a try.


Post March 6th, 2003, 9:04 am

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by Noel

Im in, but im ill as im typing this, how long do we have?


You might wanna read the contest criteria [:p] the deadline is the twentieth of April 23:59 GMT/11:59PM GMT


Post March 6th, 2003, 10:22 am

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Post March 6th, 2003, 12:36 pm

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Location: Knoxville, TN, USA

Post March 6th, 2003, 2:33 pm

Posts: 791
Points on hand: 3,979.00 Points
Location: St. Augustine, Florida, USA
You know what?I'm in,I still got about 1 to 2 weeks till we move out & that gives me atleast 3 or 4 day to make it and send it in,before we get rid of our internet.

Edit--Holy cow!!!!It has to be around 196 ft tall & fit in that small of a template?This is going to be hard to keep G's down.Looks like a MCBR will be needed.

Ride to live,live to ride,

Post March 6th, 2003, 3:36 pm
Oscar User avatar
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[:D] I am glad to see the high number participants rolling in :) This will be a great turn out I hope. I might join in also but not sure [;)]

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Post March 6th, 2003, 3:37 pm
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ny the way please e-mail the entries to we'll upload them once the challenge is over that way we can keep true privacy of the tracks [:D]

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Post March 6th, 2003, 4:15 pm

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Location: USA
sounds like fun. Would be more fun if the letter was actually real but oh well.

Post March 6th, 2003, 4:38 pm

Posts: 89
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Location: United Kingdom

the letter is real, and there is a six flags in holland, ive been there.


Post March 6th, 2003, 5:41 pm

Posts: 258
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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

count me in! but i have a few questions:
1: can it use LIMS?
2: can it be a dueling/racing coaster?
3: what time is 11:59 p.m. GMT in EST?

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Post March 6th, 2003, 6:29 pm

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Originally posted by punkrock69

count me in! but i have a few questions:
1: can it use LIMS?
2: can it be a dueling/racing coaster?
3: what time is 11:59 p.m. GMT in EST?

Want to know the true meaning of life? i can show you where to find the answer.


Check the first post for answers [:)]


Post March 6th, 2003, 7:28 pm

Posts: 258
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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

Originally posted by Noel

the letter is real, and there is a six flags in holland, ive been there.


the letter is real, and SFH is real, and this contest is real. unfortunatly, SFH is not the one that wrote the letter and they are not going to build one of our rides. how can you tell? there is a hyper-link in the middle of the letter. Why would there be a hyper-link in a mailed letter? also look at the address. Do you think that you can really mail a letter to the staff of at "amusment drive?" plus there is no state in the address. you have to have a state in the address if you want to mail the letter. sorry to burst your bubble, but this was made by GFA who did an ecellent job at it i might add.

a side note:
you may not be interested but i fooled just about everyone in my grade to thinking this is a real contest from SFH, so come May i will tell them i won, and then i will tell them to watch me on the news. of coarse they will, and i will not be on the news, and they will be angry and embarrassed. especially the teachers, who will have told all of their friends that they taught a student who designed a real rollercoaster and told them watch the news. i even fooled my own family into thinking this is a real contest so that my dad will let me play NL more instead of doing work. [:D]

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Post March 6th, 2003, 7:59 pm

Posts: 776
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Location: Alberta, Canada
I'm in!
A million people could change a million light bulbs, but a million people can't change just one.

Post March 6th, 2003, 8:35 pm
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lol, I can't believe you guys actually the letter was real. The letter is a complete fake, we thought all of you would pick up on it but guess not, it IS a fake letter done by GFA and good work at it, except with some editing he goofed a bit. But other than that it looks very real and well your coaster wont be built in reasl life and no real coaster company will view your track, however we can try to tell them about it LOL Anyway just making things 100% clear, the letter is a fake, the contest is real, winning coaster will not be built in real life but it's fun thinking that it will so do your best please and we hope to have a good contest submission turnout on this one. We appreciate you contending in this one as it is the first official contest. Thanks and pardon the confusion.

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Post March 6th, 2003, 9:09 pm

Posts: 258
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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

one last question, this one dawned on me just a minute ago as i was planning some of the twists in my track. If you have a dueling coaster, i am assuming that each track must be able to support 3 trains, but that does creat a problem. if you creat 6 trains, it will make one in each station, and then one on every brake starting from your origianal station. in otherwords, one track will have 5 trains on it, and the other will have 1, unless you set up your brakes right, but then there would not be enough brakes. what should i do about that?

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Post March 6th, 2003, 9:14 pm
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Cry? LOL I dunno, wait for gfa to answer this, it's his contest after all [;)]

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