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Post February 22nd, 2010, 11:31 pm

Posts: 9
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I Have Downloaded several Tracks and noticed that there are some coasters that have Steel Supports but in the same exact style as the wood auto-supports....
can anyone tell me if there are any new programs about this?


Post February 22nd, 2010, 11:34 pm

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Post February 22nd, 2010, 11:36 pm

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The Supports on coasters look like the wood auto supports...................but their steel?

Post February 22nd, 2010, 11:42 pm

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They're just custom. There's no ASG that does that.

Post February 23rd, 2010, 12:10 am

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Use the wood magic to make wooden supports on your track. Select all, transform to steel support.

Post February 23rd, 2010, 2:18 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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Originally posted by coasterpimp

They're just custom. There's no ASG that does that.


MrPhilly is correct.

Post February 23rd, 2010, 4:14 am
gouldy User avatar
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On the Wood Magic auto support generator thing in the editor, make sure that the "catwalks" and "handrails" tick boxes on both sides are UNticked, leaving just the supports. And then click to create the supports.


Now, your coaster should be supported in the normal wooden coaster supports, minus the handrails and catwalks. In the editor, highlight all of the supports and then change the supports into the Steel L Beam (it's one of the buttons at the top of the screen, or double click on the supports. Don't know, not got the editor in front of me atm).


Now you've got just the supports of the coaster, but instead of being wooden, thay are made from the Steel L Beam. Go back onto the auto support thingymajigger, and now swap the tick boxes over (tick the handrail and catwalk boxes and UNtick the supports box). Make sure that you also UNtick the "clear previous supports" or whatever it's called. This way, when you click OK, it will leave the previous support structure alone and just add the catwalks and handrails.

So now, you should be left with a steel support structure, with wooden handrails and catwalks. (if I haven't missed anything important! [lol])

Post February 23rd, 2010, 11:29 am

Posts: 9
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Thanks Guys.....But how do i make Wooden if i wanna build a shed out of them?

Post February 23rd, 2010, 11:37 am
gouldy User avatar
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Simple, once you have put them in using the Wood Magic support generator, you are able to drag them around and resize/reshape them as much as you want, in order to make them into whatever you want.

Just grab the red nodes at the corner of each little rectangle of catwalk to move it around and changes its shape/size. Double click on it to go on to the supports properties and change it's colour etc. (on NL 1.7)

Post February 23rd, 2010, 4:06 pm

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Post February 23rd, 2010, 6:05 pm

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Post February 23rd, 2010, 6:41 pm
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