2010 NoLimits Tournament Round 2 ?????? ??????Air Missle??????
Welcome to the second round of the tournament. This round you will be building a small launched coaster. The park wants you to use the Premier Rides track and trains to design an never-seen before launcher that??????s fun to ride.
The rules:
The imperial measurements are only estimates, the judges will use the metric measurements when checking the tracks for rule violations.
Trackstyle must be Permier LIM Launched.
Must run trains with 3 cars, this is to simulate the new, 2-car-6-seater Premier trains.
You must have one and only one launch, no lifts allowed. The maximum launch speed is 85 kph (53 mph), but the endspeed of the launch can go up to 90 kph (56 mph) and the launch should have an end speed of at least 40 kph (25 mph).
The launch can consist of multiple segments, but they should all lie in a straight line without any change in banking.
Multiple stations allowed. The station(s) track should be entirely inside the box with the ??????X??????.
The maximum speed for lifts, transport tires/magnets is 15 kph (9.3 mph).
The length must be longer than 500 meters (1650 feet), but no longer than 1000 meters (3300 feet).
The maximum track height is 40 meters (133 feet), editor height. This is indicated by the purple line.
The track and supports may not go outside the red lines and cannot go inside the blue shapes because of treehugger protests.
You must have at least 3 inversions and no more than 6. An inversion is a track that is banked 155 degrees or more, while the angle to the ground is also at least 155 degrees or more.
Small changes to the terrain are allowed, for example to create trenches. No moving mountains or creating new seas etc.
Tree removal is not allowed, addition however, is allowed.
3ds are allowed.
Download the track here:
http://www.coastercrazy.com/track_excha ... ?tid=16641
Some other things:
Do yourself a favor and do not build your track an inch from the template boundaries, it doesn??????t take much to accidentally go an inch over the boundary.
While there are no G-limits, it would be unsafe to go over -1.5/+4.5 Vertical and +/-1.5 Lateral.
Sending In:
Your track must be received by contests@coastercrazy.com at 11:59 PM (CoasterCrazy.com Forum Time, don't know what time it is? make a forum post and go see what time stamp it has, that's coastercrazy.com time!) March 26th at the latest. Do not test your luck by sending your track in on the last second and risk missing the deadline by some connection malfunction. You may send in your track as many times as you want. Be sure to state the color of your Match-up in the email! While this round is running you cannot upload the track, screenshot or anything linking you to a track.
Every track will be judged on three criteria: Technical, Adrenaline and Originality. Each track will receive a mark for each criteria, the final mark will be the average of the criteria marks.
The technical mark will focus on the smoothness the ride, the quality of the supports and safety (E-stop/tunneltest).
Adrenaline is all about speed, G??????s and the sensation of speed. The more exciting the rides, the better the score.
Originality focuses on how original the ride and elements are. Did you give the design your own twist with never seen before elements?
Both judges will rate all the tracks and discuss the results. When both judges agree with eachother, the results will be posted. After those results are posted, you are free to upload your ride.
Match-up roster:
If you have questions about the tournament or this round, feel free to ask them in this topic. Question about the 1st round, should be asked in the round 1 topic.
Good luck!
Q: Can we have a lift and a launch like Maverik?
A: No, only one launch allowed, and no lifts.
Q: Will you be hitting the E-stop during the launch?
A: Yes, it is your task to make sure the train is either stopped in time or let the launch operate even when the e-stop is pressed.
Q: What exactly do you mean with the end speed of 40 kph?
A: It means that the train must exit the launch section with a speed of at least 40 kph. How you accomplish this is up to you.
Q: How strict will you be tunneltesting?
A: If there is anything that could hurt riders or damage the train, then the ride is unsafe. By applying tunnels on the entire ride, we can see which objects come to close. If there is a very small part of a tree sticking trough the wall of the tunnel, which would be almost unreachable by riders, you will not fail tunneltest. The same goes for things that are well below the track, where it doesn't hit the train. Tunnel-to-tunnel collisions on the same block are OK too.
Q: While I have set my launch speed to 85 kph, the train exits the launch at 86/87 kph. Is this allowed?
A: Yes, as long as the actual endspeed does not exceed 90 kph (56 mph).
Q: Does the launch have to consist of one segment?
A: No, you can use various combinations of brake, track, lift and transport segments. Just as long as the entire launch is straight and has the same banking at every node, and the top speed is not exceeded.
Q: Can we move the template lines up?
A: Yes.