Oh, it's not about frame rate. On the default settings, mine stays pegged at 100 FPS no matter which coaster I run. When I max out all the settings with 1024 x 768 x 32-bit color, including trilinear filtering and 4th setting on full-screen anti-aliasing, it runs 99-100 FPS, and dips to about 70 FPS at worst. That's one of the reasons I like NoLimits more than any other simulator. It's absolutely flawless in its smoothness of rendering, no matter what the track is. I've never seen it do anything jumpy.
I built this in November of 2006. It has:
Abit Fatal1ty AN9 32x motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ at 2210MHz
2 gigabytes of DDR2 800
NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GTOC with 512MB of DDR3
I built it for graphic design and computer animation school. It certainly did its job, but I dropped out two or three months before getting my degree. I had a 4.0 GPA, but after the school ended up on probation so many times, I lost faith in the education I was getting, despite repeated praise from the instructors of some of my "professional-grade" work.
Anyway, for some reason, this time, switching to 1024 x 768 and 100Hz refresh worked and the setting remained in NoLimits. But I have to do that manually. NoLimits won't remember my 100Hz refresh if I launch the simulator from 1600x1200 at 85Hz.