Originally posted by slosprint
Yes, because that has sure worked out for you in the past.
In the past, no. Maybe that is because I hadn't attempted it then. Of course, ADD ridden children these days wouldn't notice that, would they?
Originally posted by slosprint
Thank you.
Originally posted by slosprint
Oh, I get it now! the previous statement was sarcasm! I love how you insulted me by using a method that was far less creative than mine by simply substituting my grade with a lower one.
Not really. I created a brand new statement all by myself. Besides, it was more in refrence to one of the most rediculous age claims I've seen on this site yet. Go grow some peach fuzz you pansy.
Originally posted by slosprint
the "^^^^^" indicates that he was responding to the post five above his own. Your not knowing this sugests that you did not understand this, can't count, or simply was too lazy to click the "previous page" button. Walrus.
I see you have a need to prove your intelligence by making a big pharagraph, at the most, stating that you still do know how to make sentences. Did you work on your flashcards today or something?
Just for clarification:
Originally posted by slosprintThis is. Guess which one is me!