Originally posted by Lewis13
You're not asking questions to hear the answer, we both know that, you're asking questions, because you're arrogant, and you already know the answer.
I was genuinely curious what limitations he placed on it. He didn't give a specific answer so I asked for an elaboration, which he angrily supplied.
Originally posted by Lewis13
So please, stop wasting his time, since he's made it clear to you that he doesn't CARE what you think.
Where did he say that? Why bother making a topic then?
Originally posted by Lewis13
Some people play this game, simply for the fact that it's a game, not because they want to virtually engineer a masterpiece.
I don't get on people's case for realism unless they claim it as such. I don't see why you're on my case, I just asked him to elaborate on his definition of realistic G guidelines.
Originally posted by Lewis13
I'm kind of disappointed in you lately, you're just not as funny as you used to be. And could you draw out the "emo-club" any longer, get a new joke virgin. Sense the irony twat?
Stop being a clique and the term won't be used any longer. I'm surprised your little friends haven't stepped in to stop the great injustice taking place. Perhaps it's because it's really not anything to worry about at all?