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2010 NLT - Round 2 - Ratings page 14

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Post April 18th, 2010, 11:14 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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You don't get it do you? It's not special touches, it's just completely the wrong thing lol.
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Post April 18th, 2010, 11:22 pm

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Lol the only people on this site I can take seriously are dcs221 and coasterkidmwm...and cool5. Well A113 is cool too. But that's it.

I never can build anything for these shitty contests cause I honestly don't care...because no matter what I do the judging sucks. I'd rather just work on my own custom projects where I can do whatever I want.

Post April 18th, 2010, 11:34 pm

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How many years will the bitching on this one go on?

Post April 19th, 2010, 12:55 am

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Originally posted by coasterpimp

How many years will the bitching on this one go on?

Until he's boosted his own ego enough to calm himself down?
But here's a thought:
Why did you enter the contest, knowing this was going to happen?
Instead of playing, then bitching, why don't you just not play.
This contest hasn't even been fun this year because of all the bitching.

Post April 19th, 2010, 12:59 am

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I dare to say that even if the self-aclaimed top designers would rate 90% of you guys would still bitch about the ratings. Get over it, if you want to see it different from what it is now, do something that actually makes a difference. If you dont wanna do that just STFU and go on with your lives.

Post April 19th, 2010, 1:25 am

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"Why did you enter the contest, knowing this was going to happen?
Instead of playing, then bitching, why don't you just not play."

That's why I didn't play haha. Suckersss....

Post April 19th, 2010, 1:58 am

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First off, I've agreed with a lot of the complaints on here since the contest started, but I'm really just trying to have fun with this and not take any of it too seriously. That being said, this argument seems completely pointless. If both of you guys (Jakizle and coasterdave) admit to not really putting any effort into your rides then why should there be any debate about who should have won, especially since no one except hyyyper and gouldy have seen both coasters. At least wait until they've explained the ratings and you've seen the other person's track to argue about it.

Post April 19th, 2010, 5:24 am

Posts: 277
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Look guys, is there any point? If the judges are stupid then they'll be too stubborn to back down and if they're right and you just feel like throwing crap at people for no good reason then bugger off.

So just be patient.

Post April 19th, 2010, 6:19 am
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by ianko66

I completely agree. They write good ratings, but there is stuff that they miss. Little things that people do to give the extra touch in a ride is often overlooked...

How many people who rate a coaster will spot every tiny little detail about the ride and write a rating that is 5 A4 pages long explaining every tiny piece of every footer's postioning and rotation? Just because a tiny little detail isn't mentioned in the written rating, doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't been noted in the final score (if it was large enough to make a difference to the score). If you were to look at my recent rides, I am an ambassador for trying to get little details and finishing touches into a ride, whether aesthetically or mechanically, this is definitely something I look for when rating. However, as long as the design intent is realised and all elements that contribute to that are noted, the rating will be of good enough content to do its job; to determine which out of two coasters is worth a higher score.

I'm not saying I wouldn't miss any tiny little thing, but what I would attempt to say is that I would be as good as or better than most at picking up on important and finer details. People perhaps do or don't know that I am a designer by trade, admittedly I don't design roller coasters, but I work as a cheif mechanical engineering designer and have done for 5 years. I am very good at realising design intent and if there is an element of someone elses design that is key to its success, then I would not miss it.


I will agree that there will be better raters out there than me, but to hear people just flat out saying that I suck at rating is bollocks and nothing but unsubstantiated personal slander. There is no reason why my opinion is any less valid than anyone elses, as I, like you, am a coaster enthusiast and have been for long enough to know both key elements and finer details to look for in a coaster's design.

Now if there is any chance we could get back to this contest, which is supposed to be a little bit of "fun" (you may have heard of the word), it would be gratefully appreciated.

Post April 19th, 2010, 9:43 am

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First of all, I would like to see Jakizle's and coasterdaves tracks uploaded to the exchange. The bitching is kinda pointless without that really. At least for me. Noone has seen these tracks so noone can really agree or dissagree about which track should've been rated higher.
Second, to all those people bitching about bad judging, well, I only got one thing to say here: Thanks for voluenteering to judge next years contest! It should be the bestest contest ever, since you're better judges than anyone who has ever judged NLT. Or am I missing something here?
Third, I would like to thank Gouldy and Hyyyper for the contest, because even tho I don't necessarily agree with everything, it is still a lot of fun, and I've actually done a new coaster, which would be a first since last years tourney, I think.
So, I hope to get the reviews soon!
And, when does the next round start?

Post April 19th, 2010, 10:52 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Post April 19th, 2010, 3:56 pm

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You're welcome Dirk.

Hyyyper - out of curiousity, what exit speed did you clock on mine and I'm trying to find the support in the blue area. Oh well.

Good luck Dirk.

Post April 19th, 2010, 4:04 pm
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Post April 19th, 2010, 4:09 pm

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Ouch by 1km/h. I thought no support footers in the blue areas. Oh, well the speed DQ'd me first anyways. Thanks for the clarification.

Good luck guys.

Post April 19th, 2010, 7:12 pm

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Im not mad about losing, i just wish we had higher quality contests. Besides roller coasters are all about opinions....but some people have stupid opinions.

Post April 19th, 2010, 7:54 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy
How many people who rate a coaster will spot every tiny little detail about the ride and write a rating that is 5 A4 pages long explaining every tiny piece of every footer's postioning and rotation?.....(Whole post)

Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I'm glad extra time put into rides doesn't go unnoticed.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post April 19th, 2010, 10:51 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by ianko66
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I'm glad extra time put into rides doesn't go unnoticed.

It's not about the final product, it's just how hard you worked.
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Post April 19th, 2010, 11:05 pm

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I can see that making sense in a self-motivational sort of way, but how could that apply to a contest?
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post April 20th, 2010, 4:02 am
gouldy User avatar
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If you put time into adding small details, try to do in a way that isn't just wasteful of effort and time. I, personally, am quite bad for it. I'll sit for hours adding a tiny little detail, trying to get in just right, when in truth most people riding won't even spot it. For me, when I'm building a coaster, it's just as much about the process as it is about the end result, because I love doing all that stuff, adding structural and aesthetic details, it's my favourite bit! [lol]

It does take extra effort to finish a coaster off with those little additional touches, I like to look for that in other peoples coasters because it's something I spend a long time doing, too.


The amount of effort put in is directly proportional to the quality of the final product. The more effort an invidivual puts in, the better the final product is going to be. That's not to say that someone who put lots of effort in will win out over someone who hasn't put much effort in. If someone isn't great at NL puts loads of effort in, their final product will be better than if they had not put any effort in, but that doesn't mean it's going to be better than the final product of another person who put no effort in.

But for example, say that two different designers were given the same trackfile, which was simply a finished track with no supports or scenery or 3D's etc. and they were then instructed to finish the rides and upload them to the exchange. One adds pre-fab supports, changes the colours and uploads it, while the other spends a great deal of effort adding custom supports, custom station, 3D's, scenery and all that other stuff. Undoubtedly, the second would be a better final product, directly proportional to difference in effort put into the finishing touches.

Post April 20th, 2010, 6:42 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Gouldy's ratings

Track: 1 - Coasterkidmwm

Notes: First thing I noticed; TWO tophats in a row????????? rollback fail. There?????????s gonna be problems when the train only just makes it over the first top hat and therefore risks rolling back on the second, this badboy?????????s gonna valley! That is the one major technical flaw about this ride. The ride is well built, track is very smooth, supports are pretty good for the most part, nicely detailed. They layout is good, decent pace, somewhat decent g?????????s. My only real problem with the layout (other than the double tophat) is that some parts of it feel pretty drawn out. From after the cobra roll onwards, the layout just seems a bit drawn out to me. I like the launch up into the air hill, gives some pretty powerful air on that element. Up to the MCBR is pretty intense, but not so much after it, although the tops of those little airhills are quite tight and pretty fun! Colours are pleasant, modern looking.

T: 7.5
A: 7
O: 6

Track: 2 ????????? Vid_w

Notes: I'm diggin????????? the low to the ground ?????????sensation of speed????????? work on this one. After the launch, diving down in between the trees is pretty sweet. The track work is pretty immaculate throughout. Pacing is good throughout and it's packed with nice g?????????s. The supports are very good, although that one odd loop support looks a little crud, not sure how else you would have accomplished it with that track there though. Generally the thing is quite intense, with the low to the ground stuff. There is a good mix of elements in a well worked layout. The colours are very good. That helix before the zero g roll is damn sexy.

T: 9
A: 8.5
O: 7.5

Track: 3 ????????? Lewis13

Notes: I really like this one, it's very thrilling all the way through with the pace never letting up. The elements are very good and they are in a very well worked layout and order. The roll off the end of the launch is possibly a little bit OTT, but it's very thrilling, there's no doubt about that. I really like everything about the layout, nothing about it (apart from possibly the roll off the end of the launch) seems out of place or in the wrong order. The trackwork is basically perfect, as are the supports for me. I'm loving the colours and general look of the ride, the colours remind me of my own ?????????Doomsday Machine?????????. There could be some very slight oddities in the trackwork; one in between the two corkscrews and one just after the little hill after the corkscrew, but I?????????d be clutching at straws to say these were issues. If I'm honest, the only real faults I can find with this ride are to do with the additional stuff like the fact that there's no 3D?????????s and stuff to add aesthetically, other than that????????? there's not much bad I can say about this. Very good job.

T: 9.75
A: 9.5
O: 9.25

Track: 4 ????????? ianko66

Notes: The first element after the launch is pretty cool and original, it's taken with good speed and is thrilling because of the speed of the roll, there is a slight heartline fail there though, seems a bit off to me. The layout is good, but it all seems a little spread out to me. Good use of the space provided, but because the launch is flat, the coaster hasn?????????t got enough speed to warrant the space it takes up so it feels slightly drawn out. Pacing is decent, although it is slightly under-paced throughout, after the first element, every other element is taken just slightly slower than you?????????d want it to be. The heartline rolls are cool though, the way they turn to the right as they go. Trackwork is pretty good, but not perfect, like I say with the heartlining seeming a bit off to me. There is a massive 40 second or so wait on the launch pad before the previous train leaves the final brake run. Colours are realistic but probably a bit dull unless they?????????re with a specific theme, which this is not. Supports are very good, apart from them missing flanges, but they a realistically built.

T: 8.5
A: 7.5
O: 8.5

Track: 5 - boneplaya

Notes: It's not difficult to spot the theme with this one! It's a nice idea with the massive cannon firing the car out as a cannonball, but it is pretty unrealistic given the size of the cannon and the length on unsupported structure in that area. The general trackwork is very good, I do have one gripe with the trackwork though; The big roll after the launch, I'm assuming that it is intended to be this way? It's ?????????anti-heartlined????????? if you will, it seems cool but for me it just feels and looks odd, but it is different I guess. Pacing is good, the end of the launch being so high up means the ride has very good speed which is used pretty well, taking up most of the space provided. Very nice air out of the top of the cannon, that is a very nice feeling element. Supports are alright, flangeless and fairly simple in places, but substantial enough (apart from at the cannon, that needs support structure for me). Colours are realistic but quite dull, extra points for the stations and themeing, which do add to the ride.

T: 7.5
A: 8
O: 8.25

Track: 6 ????????? Dirk_Ermen

Notes: Really like the look of this one with the environment the way it is, that's a nice touch, the first element in particular looks very imposing because of the environment. I'm not quite sure what to make of this coaster because you seem to have gone for the ?????????hangtime????????? type thing, which I'm not sure I personally like. I have the idea though that hangtime on a ride like this would probably be pretty intense, even if it was slightly painful. I still feel that the ride would be better if the hangtime elements weren't hangtime elements lol????????? if you know what I mean. But apart from the hangtime elements, there is nothing particularly original here because the other elements of the track are simply turns to get you to the next hangtime element; the track doesn't really have any kind of ?????????flow?????????. Pacing, I would call slow, because of the hangtime elements. Track is smooth, but shaping and banking are slightly unrealistic in places. Supports are good, certainly substantial enough, flangeless, not too detailed, but good enough. Colours are pretty cool, especially with the environment as it is. Track seems a little short, possibly.

T: 6.5
A: 7
O: 6.5

Track: 7 - Onjin

Notes: This ride is big, fast and powerful. It's a good thrill, with some pretty intense forces at the bottom of the Norwegian loop and the big helix thing. Not sure about the roll at the end into the brakes though, it's probably just a bit slowly taken, although it would be cool to take an element like that at that kind of height. There are some odd jerks around the track, as you enter the top of the first element for example, but in general the trackwork is pretty good. There is a slight stacking issue at the end, it seems. Supports are all good, some nice details in there too, could do with some flanges. Colours are cool, not seen colours like them before, they look sweet.
However, there are supports that clearly cross into a blue section of the template. Sorry, but you?????????re out.

T: 7
A: 7.5
O: 8

Track: 8 - yoshifreak

Notes: Not really sure about any of this one, we start with a launch that's banked to one side. I guess, in terms of an idea, it seems quite cool but I can't help thinking it would probably just feel uncomfortable. So there are originality points there I think, but probably the same amount back off the adrenaline score. The roll off the end of the launch seems a little bit ?????????snappy?????????, this is probably quite uncomfortable too, despite the g?????????s being in check. The rest of the layout is alright, but not great, some parts are quite intense, but a lot of it seems a little aimless. I like how that one turn goes under the brakes at speed, pretty intense round there. Trackwork is really nice for the most part but there are some pretty odd spots around it. The supports????????? well????????? lol, I'll leave it at that. Colours are alright, they look pretty neat.

T: 6
A: 6.5
O: 7

Track: 9 ????????? guitarplayer673

Notes: That first element is cool, in fact the layout in general seems pretty cool. What I'm not so keen on with this track is some of the shaping/banking around the place, some of it seems pretty odd. The piece of track in between the first element and the loop springs to mind immediately. I like the layout of the ride, it never seems like you?????????re just making your way to the next element. I really like the little bunnyhills towards the end, there's nothing quite like a row of bunnyhills! The trackwork is pretty good for the most part, but like I said before, some of it seems very odd. Your supports are really, really good. Lots of nice details in the support work make them look good and realistic (especially on the loop, those supports are sweet). Colours are nice, whole ride is very aesthetically pleasing.

T: 8
A: 8
O: 7.5

Track: 10 ????????? alton_

Notes: Like the layout of this one, nice and tight. There is an added perception of speed because of all of the close calls with the supports and track????????? the fact that it's well paced. I have one little bit of the layout that I'm not keen on, the half loop element up into the MCBR seems as if it would be quite uncomfortable at the top as it's taken quite slowly. This is the only spot where the good pacing lets up just briefly. There is a fairly original mix of elements, but there isn't anything individually that is particularly original (apart from the half loop up into the MCBR, which I didn't particularly like). The top hat is sweet, really good air on that thing. The track work is damn good, there is just one little bit that I feel is slightly odd; on the entrance to the top hat, just as it goes vertical, something seems peculiar to me about that bit of track in particular. Your supports are very good, one of the best points of the ride for me, nice detail work in there and good work aesthetically. Colours are good, not great, but ride looks very nice in general. Slight stacking issue possibly at end of ride.

T: 8.75
A: 7.5
O: 6

Track: 11 - Jakizle

Notes: The layout of this one seems very good, there are some good track to track interaction moments; the layout in general seems pretty well worked. I like the fact that there is a helix before the top hat, extra fun in a rollback????????? which with the shaping of this top hat, is bound to happen often! I'm really not sure about the shaping at the top of the top hat, whether the shaping was intentional or not, I don't like it. The rest of the trackwork is very good though, with some only minor odd patches. There is pretty good pacing throughout, although it possibly slows a touch towards the end. The supports????????? lol, all pre-fab and under supported. Colours are ok, ride looks a little crappy because of all the pre-fab supports.

T: 6
A: 6.5
O: 6.5

Track: 12 - coasterdave

Notes: This is definitely a ride of two halves, so to speak. I love it up to the MCBR, but after that it's very dreary. What I really like is the low to the ground speed work directly after the launch, which then throws you up into the big tall element, nicely done. Then the corkscrews are good, but after that the ride just dwindles away until it reaches the end. It's a shame because the ride starts really well. The trackwork is slightly off for me, I'm not keen on some of the entrances and exits of banking on some of the corners. Pacing is very good before the MCBR and pretty slow after it. The supports are ok, might be some slight under supporting issues on the second turn after the launch and the corkscrews. Supports could do with more detail, flanges etc. Colours look good from an offride position, but seem a bit more garish from an onride position, odd. But like I say, the colours look nice from an offride position so the conclusion is: the colours look nice.

T: 7.5
A: 6.5
O: 6

hyyyper's ratings

1 ????????? Coasterkidmwm
T The smoothness was alright, but there were several light twitches along the ride, but no major pumps or anything. Supports are excellent, the structures on the first hill and top hat are really good. E-stop failed. While you did foresee it and put a catwalk right where it valleys, there is also the possibility that the train crashes backwards into the 2nd train in the station. Tunneltest also failed, a support on the turn after the helix.
A The ride speed on its own wasn't very fast, but the exciting elements totally make up for it. The hill, then the top hat and the cobra roll were really good and pretty strong. Unfortunately the ride dies down in the 2nd half. It's not much more than a helix and two bunnyhops. An extra inversion like a barrelroll or corkscrew would?????????ve kept the adrenaline high the entire ride. The airtime is excellent, vertical G?????????s are very strong and laterals are in check.
O Basically the same as in the adrenaline section, the first part of the layout is super, the elements fit perfectly into the layout, but after the mcbr, there's nothing going on which is a real shame, considering the good first half.
5 ????????? 7 ????????? 7

2 ????????? Vid_w
T The track is super smooth, the supports are excellent and both E-stop and tunneltest are passed. I don't know what else to say than that this ride is just technically perfect.
A The speed is very high the entire ride and there are some good airtime spots and the inversions are amazing, but for some reason the elements don't really connect or flow into each other. The vertical G?????????s are powerful enough and lateral G?????????s are well in check.
O The layout is alright. The elements on their own and really good, but the way they are placed in the layout doesn't work out.
10 ????????? 7 ????????? 6

3 ????????? Lewis13
T Very smooth track. The support are really good and detailed. Estop and tunneltest passed. Technically 100%.
A Excellent ride. The ride really throws your from one inversion into another with just a millisecond to gasp for air. The pacing during the entire ride is amazing. They only thing to point out is that the part after the last corkscrew is not as hectic as the rest of the ride. G?????????s are good, vertical and laterals are OK, as well as the spots of airtime.
O The layout is magnificent. All the rolls fitted perfectly after each other and they form the layout perfectly. If only the ending wasn't so long, then the ride would?????????ve been perfect from start to finish.
10 ????????? 9 ????????? 9

4 ????????? ianko66
T Excellent track, no pumps, only glass-smooth trackwork. The supports are good, too. Estop and tunneltest passed.
A Great ride, very exciting from the launch all the way to the brakes the ride just doesn't let down. The first element (whatever it was) was incredible to say the least and double-roll at the end was one of the best endings you could end with. Also, the two small airtime pops really fitted well between the other elements. Vertical and lateral G?????????s are ok.
O Super layout, the elements fit really well together, creating a perfect mix of inversions turns and a bit airtime. And whatever you are going to name that first element, I love it.
9 ????????? 8 ????????? 10

5 ????????? boneplaya
T Very smooth track, even in all the fast transitions, the track is pump-less. The supports are good. E-stop fails. The either valleys before the launch, or it launches slow, rolls back and crashes into the train in the station, or it valleys halfway down the ride. There is also a tree-hit on the hill before the dive loop.
A The pacing on this ride is insane, all through the ride there is no speed lost. The powerfull turns, the combination of short and long rolls, plus some airtime provides one hell of a ride.
The airtime is good, and the other forces are OK.
O Beautiful layout, the elements are set up in a way they perfectly follow eachother. And while I loved the elements, there just seems to be missing that one kick-ass inversion.
5 ????????? 9 ????????? 7

6 ????????? Dirk_Ermen
T The track isn't very smooth, there are a lot of small pumps over the length of the ride. The supports are very good. E-stop and tunneltest pass.
A The pacing is alright, the track is all that fast, but the near-misses and low trackwork make it seems almost twice as fast. The long rolls are very cool, but in all you have 3 of them, and except for the immelman there are almost no other elements. Making the ride a bit longer with an additional element/inversion would have added some variety. Not that much airtime, and vertical and lateral G?????????s are quite high.
O Sweet layout, the low trackwork and quick twists that connect the long rolls are really awesome. Too bad the ride only consists of just that, one immelman, two rolls and a few turns. It could've been so much more if there was just another element added.
7 ????????? 6 ????????? 6

7 ????????? Onjin
T The smoothness is average. It looks smooth, but for some reason the banking has a lot pumps. The supports are really well done. E-stop failed. When the 2nd train is about to launch and first one is on the final breaks, the 2nd train will launch aways and crash into the train already on the brakes.
A The adrenaline is OK. The excitement the launch generate is lost when the train loses its speed going over the first hill. But the rest of the ride is pretty fast and the elements are really cool. The final barrel roll provides a nice ending. Vertical G?????????s and laterals both had a pretty high spike.
O The ride is pretty unique and also very compact. The elements are really good and match up pretty good. But the ride is really short compared to its height, which is basically a waste of energy.
6 ????????? 7 ????????? 7

8 ????????? yoshifreak
T Excellent track, very smooth ride. The supports are nothing more than simply prefabs and the first barrelroll isn't supported at all. E-stop failed when pressed during the launch. The train will valley halfway down the track. Then there are 2 tree hits on the cutback and a lot of other small hits along the ride plus a support hit after the 2nd roll just before the breaks.
A Very fast ride, from the start to finish it doesn't seem to lose any speed. The banked launch would be uncomfortable. Also the weird direction-change in the cutback was pretty rough. It should?????????ve been more like the mid-section of a cobra roll. But apart from that, the speeding through the trains going from inversion to inversion is really just super. The airtime is OK, and the other forces are in check too.
O The layout is very nice, it's very low to the ground. Yet the elements are all rolls and a cutback. An element with a (half) loop or something along those lines would?????????ve added a lot of diversity to the now-bland ride.
3 ????????? 9 ????????? 6

9 ????????? guitarplayer673
T Smoothness is average, it seems smooth but there are minor pumps in various points in de ride. Also the shaping is very weird, the track isn't fluid. The supports are excellent, with good details. E-stop and Tunneltest passed.
A Adrenaline was average. The ride had good pacing, the double zero-G was really amazing and the order of the elements worked out great. But like I said, the lack of flow makes for a awkward ride. Every element stands on its own, there's no real flow from one to another element. Also, the hill after the loop takes a big bite out of the momentum build up. Then there are the airtime hops in the end. They have little airtime and added more airtime would?????????ve spiced out the ending. Vertical G?????????s spiked once, the lateral G?????????s are OK.
O The layout is cool, but mostly thanks to the individual elements. The connections between the elements could be improved so that you roll from one element into another. Also, the 3-bunnyhop ending could be spread out trough the ride so that the ending isn't repetitive.
8 ????????? 6 ????????? 7

10 ????????? alton_
T Very smooth trackwork, no pumps on the ride. The supports are very detailed, excellent job. E-stop passed, but tunneltest failed. A rail pokes trough the tunnel at the loop and a support-hit after the corkscrew.
A The adrenaline was kind of weak. The ride was inversion after inversion, and they were really big, resulting in slow and weak elements. Then there's the matter of the mcbr, it really drops the momentum and it is totally unnecessary. The short length of the ride would require a two, perhaps three train operation. All you do now is create stacking. The vertical G?????????s rarely go above 3, but the laterals are OK.
O The layout is very compact but it consisted of nothing but inversions and elements we have seen dozens of time before. It misses something unique, that's never been done before kind of element to really appeal and stand out.
8 ????????? 5 ????????? 4

11 ????????? Jakizle
T Smooth was alright. Some of the hills where shaped really odd. The radius changed were abrubtly, creating a nastly jolt in the transistions. But the rest of the ride is very smooth. The only thing good to say about the supports is that they might hold up the track. E-stop failed. The train shoots back into the station or valleys halfway the ride when E-stop is pressed during launch. Tunneltest passed.
A Some parts of the ride where really exciting while it slows down a lot in other sections. The rolls where pretty awesome and the tophat was really cool, but the rest of the ride sits there and adds nothing. The airtime was good, other forces are in check.
O The layout is not much more than a tophat and 3 rolls surrounded by meaningless track. If the inversions were divided better over the entire length or adding an inversions other than a roll the ride would?????????ve been a lot better.
4 ????????? 6 ????????? 6

12 ????????? coasterdave
T The trackwork had some issues. For some reason there where a lot of very small-radius turns and curves without proper lead-ins resulting a shaking ride experience. Supports are good. E-stop failed when pressed during launch, the train will valley halfway down the ride. Tunneltest passed.
A The first half of the ride was really cool. The immelman and interlocking corkscrews was very exciting, but the 2nd half was virtually nothing. After the inversions the ride slowly goes back to the station. The forces are ok, but the last part could use more airtime to make it more exciting.
O The first half was really sweet, the flow between the first few elements, but the 2nd half is more like a sightseeing tour. It would?????????ve been better if the ride just ended with the mcbr, without losing all the excitement from the first half.
5 ????????? 6 ????????? 6

Post April 20th, 2010, 8:23 am
gouldy User avatar
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In this round; I am, personally, willing to answer to anyone's questions about my ratings, because of the issues raised in this thread. While you will appreciate that the ratings cannot change from what they are, it will give you a chance to understand why I might have given the scores/explanation that I have done.

The reason I will do this is because my rating was questioned in this thread by a couple of indivduals in particular and reading back through the ratings I wrote now, out of coincidence and rotten luck, it is those users whose ratings are the most vaguely written [lol]. Jakizle, I'm looking at you in particular, my rating of your track is quite vague on some points that I meant to get across.

If you would like to question my ratings further, please don't clutter this thread up with the questions, I am more than happy to take PM's.

Post April 20th, 2010, 8:51 am

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I don't have a problem with either of your ratings individually, but it seems like you guys have completely different ideas of what makes a ride good or exciting. I haven't read all of them yet, but just looking at what you guys said about my ride, there's gouldy:
I like the layout of the ride, it never seems like you?????????re just making your way to the next element.

and then there's hyyyper:
the lack of flow makes for a awkward ride. Every element stands on its own, there's no real flow from one to another element.

I really like the little bunnyhills towards the end, there's nothing quite like a row of bunnyhills!

Then there are the airtime hops in the end. They have little airtime and added more airtime would?????????ve spiced out the ending. Also, the 3-bunnyhop ending could be spread out trough the ride so that the ending isn't repetitive.

I understand some stuff comes down to personal opinion, but for the pacing and layout issue, either a ride flows well or it doesn't, that shouldn't be a subjective thing.

Post April 20th, 2010, 1:29 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by hyyyper

Gouldy's ratings

Track: 1 - Coasterkidmwm

Notes: First thing I noticed; TWO tophats in a row????????? rollback fail. There?????????s gonna be problems when the train only just makes it over the first top hat and therefore risks rolling back on the second, this badboy?????????s gonna valley! That is the one major technical flaw about this ride. The ride is well built, track is very smooth, supports are pretty good for the most part, nicely detailed. They layout is good, decent pace, somewhat decent g?????????s. My only real problem with the layout (other than the double tophat) is that some parts of it feel pretty drawn out. From after the cobra roll onwards, the layout just seems a bit drawn out to me. I like the launch up into the air hill, gives some pretty powerful air on that element. Up to the MCBR is pretty intense, but not so much after it, although the tops of those little airhills are quite tight and pretty fun! Colours are pleasant, modern looking.

Did you actually get it to valley there?

Originally posted by hyyyper

hyyyper's ratings

1 ????????? Coasterkidmwm
T The smoothness was alright, but there were several light twitches along the ride, but no major pumps or anything. Supports are excellent, the structures on the first hill and top hat are really good. E-stop failed. While you did foresee it and put a catwalk right where it valleys, there is also the possibility that the train crashes backwards into the 2nd train in the station. Tunneltest also failed, a support on the turn after the helix.
A The ride speed on its own wasn't very fast, but the exciting elements totally make up for it. The hill, then the top hat and the cobra roll were really good and pretty strong. Unfortunately the ride dies down in the 2nd half. It's not much more than a helix and two bunnyhops. An extra inversion like a barrelroll or corkscrew would?????????ve kept the adrenaline high the entire ride. The airtime is excellent, vertical G?????????s are very strong and laterals are in check.
O Basically the same as in the adrenaline section, the first part of the layout is super, the elements fit perfectly into the layout, but after the mcbr, there's nothing going on which is a real shame, considering the good first half.

Again, did you actually get it to crash into the second train?

You guys need to actually have the bad thing happen, not just "foresee" it and assume it will happen.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post April 20th, 2010, 1:44 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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^Yes i did test it, I'm sorry it that was unclear in the rating. If you'd like i can video/screenshot it.

EDIT: Round 3 has started! ... C_ID=23225

Post April 20th, 2010, 2:46 pm
gouldy User avatar
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The answer to your question CKMWM, is no, I didn't actually get it to valley there having not tried to, so I take your point on board. But what I did say was "There?????????s gonna be problems when the train only just makes it over the first top hat and therefore risks rolling back on the second". The point is; in a realistic layout, you couldn't have a top hat after another top hat without another section of propulsion. Thanks to external factors like wind, you would always be running the risk of a roll back and it would only take one roll back there for the park to be on the phone, billing you! [lol]

btw, I also got the train to crash into the second train.


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