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tia's tools

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post April 1st, 2003, 3:00 am

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 2,835.00 Points
Location: hanover park, IL, USA
hi there. im new here. ive had no limits for a few months now, and im starting to get the hang of it finally. ive wanted desperately to build a shuttle coaster, but have had one hell of a time trying to do it manually...tia's no limits tools has a shuttle maker (as well as some other cool sounding features) and i was just wondering if anyone here has used it and could fill me in on how it works...and how the other tools work, for that matter. they sound cool and all, but are they worth my time and will they actually help?

thanks a lot [:)]

Nietsche is Pietsche

Post April 1st, 2003, 1:59 pm

Posts: 317
Points on hand: 4,515.00 Points
Location: canandaigua, ny, USA
i would recremend not using tias tools, they work good, sorta but for the shuttle coaster u have to spend most of the time fixing the track, when u make a loop or something the tool connects it but u can see the track thats going back to the station, try it and u will find out what i am talking about.

If the lake were vodka and i were a duck i would start from the bottom and drink my way up, but the lakes not vodka and i'm not a duck so pass me the cup and shut the f*** up

Post April 1st, 2003, 2:08 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
I would recomend, many of Tia's tools. The NLPower tweaker is really nice when you want to make negative digits. ex: -50K/H. The track strip is also good, you can remove stuff like terrain, tunnels, object, even the track if you want. The tunnel tester is good for finding hits in a coaster, it puts tunlles all over your ride and if something comes into the tunnel, then you've got a hit. The wood builder is the only way to build a somewhat real looking wooden roller coaster. They all useful little programes, and ther're not big either, none of them are more than a MB. I hope this helps.[|)]

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then when you do criticize that person, you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes!


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