What do you think of cats? My roommate has one and this is a summary of its daily activities:
*Wakes owners up at 6:30AM, who put it outside of their room and close the door so it can roam around and bother everyone else
*Sleeps once everyone leaves
*Demands to be petted and then bites people within 1 second of petting her
*Poops under the Christmas tree
*Bites people again
*Knocks over its food dish
Overall the animal is a royal pain in the ass, is untrainable, and largely ignores everyone unless it wants food or is biting you. I can't pick it up to try and get it out of my room because it's floppy and it just starts biting. Only three more weeks of this...
PS - Sorry Jayman don't take this personally. The one I live with gashed my head open good with its teeth last night.