Crazy East Germany Tour '09:
Day 1: Crazy Rodelfun!
Day 2: Belantis
Day 3: Freizeitpark Plohn
Day 4: More Crazy Rodelfun!
24rd of September 2009, Day 3: Freizeitpark Plohn
Today was the day that we were going to Freizeitpark Plohn. But before that we'd first were going to hit a different park and alpine coaster on the way to the park.
First: Marchenwald Saalburg. Also said: Fairytale forrest near Saalburg. Why are we visiting this park. There is a butterfly to do as credit... [lol]

Okay, that's our way down to the park.

I spy something that looks like a park. [lol] Talking about a long way down!

Are you sure the park is open?
We'll there was nobody at the cashiers and the parkgate was open. According to the site the park was open. So we entered the park slowly, during walking further in the park we yelled and asked if anybody was there. We'd really had the idea that we were going to walk strait into an empty park without anybody even there...
...But suddenly out of nowhere a dog appeared and flew with high speeds at us. It scared the crap out of us. Luckily it was on a chain so it couldn't attack us. Right after that the owner came out of a building. I guess they weren't expecting 2 visitors on a drowsy morning at 9am. [lol]
Anyhow, we payed our entry fee and started seeking for the butterfly coaster.

Some wicked theming on the way to the butterfly!

A lot of fairytales visible [:D]

Awesome, a self-opp ride! Too bad you'd have to pay for it extra...

I wonder which story this would be [lol]

We found it!

Yes! It's self-opp!

Spidey in the rain

The butterfly seen from a different angle... [lol]

WOW! It really flies! [lol]

Water + slide = pure awesomeness!

Yes, we practically had the park completely for our own!

What is disney doing here?

Time to get back on the road. Look! Awesome roads with a 14% drop! [lol]

The parking lot from marchenwald. We are the only one! [lol]

Time for an alpine coaster! This one has a pretty simple name: bobbahn Eibenstock.

I'm getting the basic speech about how to operate those Alpine coasters [lol] I think I know that now after riding a lot of them in a couple days!

Sweet drop

Still climbing up

Gaining a nice view

Sweet zig zag

And there comes my buddy again xD

After another drive, time for Freizeitpark Plohn! Finally some more real coasters on this trip!

But we first have to pay our entry fee

We'll start off small, a simple big apple ride!

The big drop! [shocked]

And if you'll look to the left, there is a nice zierer Flitzer. Very cool rides.

And on the right we have our big rollercoaster: El Toro!

My buddy going first

Look! No Seatbelts or any other type of restraints! [:D]

But there is no mayor airtime anywhere so you don't really need them.

Moar track!

Look, a change of direction!

That sounds like some good pizza's! Too bad the place was closed all day. I guess it was too quiet.

Entrance, that way!

Walking all the way around the final turn. Sweeet!

Look! With all our friends that we've brought with us!


Lift hill shot

First drop, awesome!

Fly through the tunnel

After a damn fun turnaround back through another tunnel


Time for some sweet turns!

And more sweet air and an insane turn.

And after a fun ride we're back in the station.
El Toro:
This ride was a blast from the beginning until the end. Even tho this ride is one of the smallest GCI has build. They definitely know how to play with the G-forces during the ride. The first drop is just brilliant. Right after the first tunnel you'll get some great ejector airtime on the transition only to continue your course with high speeds. Just when you think to dive though another tunnel they have hidden a tiny airtime hump in that tunnel. After that tunnel you'll get a turn that leads to the bunny hill section. Great fun, even tho they are all floaters. When the Bunnies are over, time for the big grande finale. Some great turns combined with some great lateral, airtime and positives, only to finish of flying with high speed around the awesome part and having the banking decrease to 0 during the turn itself. Laterals that provide an awesome finish to this ride. Even after about 35 rides over the full day it didn't get bored any second. Super????????? ride! Compared to all the other GCI's I've ridden so far it's definitely not the least.

The entire train

Those bunnyhills are fun

Plohn rulez! They have a hall of fame/shame when it comes to onride photo's! [:D][:D][:D]

The sweet turns near the end of the ride!

And as grande finale, a turn that ends completely flat with no banking.

Look how close you can get to the track. You can't do this in america! [lol]

Looking back onto the final brakerun

Approved by a German fanclub. Well, we also approve this Rollercoaster. It's a jewel. [:)]

Sweet turn with full speed.

Time for a log Flume! WTF at theming again [lol]

Oh look, it's a rollercoaster!

More sweet rollercoaster!

Oh wait, we are on a log flume...

But there is soo many sweet rollercoaster around us!

The BEST spot for an onride photo. In the final turn just before you'll float into the station again... [lol]

This Ghost mill is a small funhouse with some cool boobytraps. We've laughed our arses off with the bad german humor in this thing. [lol]

Time for more sweet angles from this rollercoaster <3

Hey look! That looks fun!

I wanna go on that insane slide!

Argh! @#$@#%!*%#@... Why?!??

As you can see, it looks soo sick!

Some nice theming over there.

Hey look! Rollercoaster!

Time to go down this slide!

More sweet angles

Look, various people on the ride! Let's go ride it again!

Awesome onride photo!

More sweet coaster!

Walking past the awesome zierer flitzer.

The effect is kind of cool, too bad the car never will fit through that that [lol]

I just can't get this awesome coaster off my camera...

Hey look! Something that we haven't seen before!

Wow, I didn't know it was from our Dutch manufacterer!

Ring of fire! Yay!

That's the operator seat with the stick! [lol]

Wow, talking about a small space! And fat americans fit into this thing? [lol]

It wasn't open yet so time to kill some time on powered duck boats!


Yay! It's running! And what a crazy ride! [lol]

Top of the lift!

Secret airtime hill hidden in a tunnel!

Sweet shaping

And awesome grand finale!


Aww... The ride is over. But now I can shoot some unique shots on the track. [:D]

The whole train after the ride has been closed

Close up on the seats

A shot backwards through the final brakerun

This is how easy it is to touch the rollercoaster! Now image some american idiot climbing on top of the track when it's running [lol]

Closed flume, awww!

Fanny Boat... rofl!

Guess from which rides those images are on the advertising [:D]

My el toro count on my hand. Yes, I'm die-hard when it comes to counting rollercoasters!
We had to leave the park since the park was closed. But during the rides I saw a backroad on the backside of El toro. Time to pay a visit from the outside! [:D]

Ohh... Lifthill from the other side!

support detail!

Moar lift hill!

The ride actually looks pretty nice from the back too

a view to the brake run and final insane turn.

Look, we found some wood! [:D]

Hmmm.. I wonder where that is for

And i'm closing this massive PTR with the image where you can see the banking from the final turn. No banking rules with high speeds!
I hope you've enjoyed this massive PTR, and if you didn't. At least you have some material you could use when you're trying to replicate the GCI style... [lol]