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War with Iraq

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 9:25 pm

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Who supports the war with Iraq, Operation: Iraqi Freedom?

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 9:29 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I don't support the war but I support the troops. Hope they come back safe and well I frankly hope the kick the butt out of Saddam. I also hope this ends SOON that way it doesn't affect us that much market wise and there's less human casualties.

Post April 3rd, 2003, 10:08 pm

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I agree that something needs to be done about Saddam, but I don't know that war is the answer. And like WWS says, I support our American troops 100% [:)]

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 10:58 pm

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I don't support the war at all, I think that something should be done in Iraq, but there are other ways than war. I also don't think that the US will stick around very long afterwards and help clean up the mess that they are making. I guess that's just the jobs of the Canadians.

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 11:16 pm
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Post April 3rd, 2003, 11:19 pm
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I dunno, war is stupid. Ppl who make war are stupid. JMHO.

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 11:31 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

and it wasn't a mess before the US got there?

i'm not saying that it didn't have it's problems before the war, I'm saying that now the Iraqi people will have massive destrution all around them. Bombs are not 100% accurat

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Post April 3rd, 2003, 11:58 pm
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nope, they're not 100% acurate. but also we're not deleiberately killing the innocent Iraqi people like Saddam would. We're not raping the women and killing them like Saddam son would. We're not torturing prisoners with cables, whips and electricity like the Iraqi are. Saw thw captured prison and saw the torture room and saw the wall full of blood? You think they want to continue going through that? At least with this they can get a new government. Someone who is not a loon.

Post April 4th, 2003, 12:33 am

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all i can say about the war is: how can they fire these SCUD missles that they don't have, and why do they have these chemical masks and suits that they don't need. its funny how the don't need or have it, yet they're using them.

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Post April 4th, 2003, 12:53 am

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Well the US didn't seem to think that Saddam and his sons where such bad guys when they gave him the "wepons of mass distruction". And that is why the US is attacking Iraq, it's hardly because of the torture and the suffering, It's mainly because Iraq has wepons that they MIGHT use for evil porposes. The US is attacking because they want to be the sole "super power". They are attacking using masive bombs that cause immence destruction. It's like they don't realise that Iraq is a dictatorship and only a few people run the contry, while everone else is comanded by fear. Why aren't they simply trying to take out the leaders instead of getting the so called folowers?

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Post April 4th, 2003, 1:36 am
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That was a different time when there was conflicts with Iran. Great they have evil weapons. Do you think it's safe to let Saddam have those big nasty weapons. Especially someone who has so much hate towards the US? Someone who is insane, come on, someone who kills their own people can't possibly be sane. Who knows what they can do to other countries with those weapons if they themselves kill their own people. At least the US ins't killing their own people like Saddam is. They're using massive bombs so that they take away the ability from Iraq to make war. That's the whole point of war, crush the enemy so that they can no longer rebel. Sure only a few people run the country. Since most of the people hate the way it is run why don't they just march in and take out Saddam? Problem is that he's not the only one that runs the country. Yes, it's a dictatorship like Fidel Castro, but all types of government including dictatorships have their network of followers which give them the support to be in power. One sole person cannot make it in there. Saddam has the power of the army, though a few are surrendering, many believe in the things he does and hence continue to fight for Iraq. If he was the ruler, or a few were, we wouldn't have the war since the majority would see that it is pointless to fight for one persons' ideals. You say take out the leaders and leave the followers. What's the point of that, you kill Saddam and then another loon takes over and does the same thing 5 years from now. You have to cut the weed from the root and kill the stems and leaves along the way to solve your problem. Can't just take out Saddam and leave, that'd be a ridiculous war.

Post April 4th, 2003, 3:02 pm

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Yes it was a different time then, but the US wanted to HELP OUT Saddam enouf to give him the wepons. Saddam is not insane. An insain person would not do what he has done. A truly insaine person would simply destroy as much of the world as posible. But Saddam, in his own way, is being very stratigic. What better way is there to keep your country in line, than to horribly kill all that oppose the government?

War is not there to crush the "other guy" so that they cannot rebel. If that where true then Iraq must have it right. No one in Iraq would darn rebel agaist the government. War in this case, is just a man acting like a child because he doesn't want Saddam to have a qarter the power that he has.

I know that just killing Saddam and his sons would do almost nothing. But I didn't say that. I said the leaders should be taken out. Like Saddam's counsil, and military leaders. There are some Saddam supporters outside of there, but they are very, very, few.

When the world doesn't support the war then why go at all, cause it's very posible that you woln't suceed in the long run.

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then when you do criticize that person, you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes!


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