So the first half is completely and fully finalized with the exception of kick boards and catwalk/handrail fixing which comes last, and maybe 10 boards tops that I'm too lazy/tired to place tonight but they're easy. Don't really have any pics to show what's been done recently, cause everything was little stuff for the most part to keep consistency up, but all in all it looks pretty nice. Second half still has some work to be done, but not much. After all the supports are done I'm giving myself like a month to do whatever 3ds I can get done within that maybe a week + one month and it's done (unless I do what I usually do, and not touch it for 6 months after posting)?
Anyway, here's a pic since it's been a while since I posted one:
Oh, and last post was about the first's a pic of that all done up (besides catwalks and fixed handrails):