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oakwood theme park , 4th june meetup

Planning a theme park visit? Post it here to organize a theme park meet with other members of the site. You can't go wrong with taking another enthusiast with you!

Post May 17th, 2010, 5:06 pm

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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

3rd UK coaster crew meetup of this year guys

friday 4th june

hopefully it should be good weather.
its along way for quite a few of us so if you need a ride to get there im shure we can all arange something as it has been aranged before around other parks in the uk

people attending:-

gouldy's mini me
Last edited by gazag on June 2nd, 2010, 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post May 17th, 2010, 5:45 pm

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if i can get money i am IN :D
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Post May 18th, 2010, 8:25 am

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Same, i have a new car now but funds are low, ill re-post soon as i know.

Post May 18th, 2010, 5:15 pm

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yay for you all, we can all do this and make it a couple of days of awsome
Making screams come true

Post May 18th, 2010, 5:33 pm

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only problem is that i'm going london expo a few days before so that means i may not have teh money to do it, it's unlikely that i'll get there this time, gah, i need cashhhhh D:
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Post May 18th, 2010, 6:09 pm
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Post May 18th, 2010, 7:10 pm
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Post May 25th, 2010, 1:36 pm

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only 10 days not till the meet-up and this is going to be a real good one, i can feel it. ill be heading down to a holiday inn near oakwood on thursday and heading all the way back on the friday night as i got to work the weeken :(
Making screams come true

Post May 25th, 2010, 5:12 pm
gouldy User avatar
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we've booked a Travelodge for the friday night, in Pembroke Dock, will make a proper trip of it. Very nice area of Wales.

Post May 25th, 2010, 5:20 pm

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sweet, i carnt wait just to get away for a bloddy good time as alot been happening here. what a busy week ahead for me though. bank holiday monday thorpe park, friday oakwood and that sunday im racing my RC in leeds, yay lots of traveling
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Post May 25th, 2010, 5:57 pm

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doesn't look like imma be making this one, i seriously need cash, sorry guys D:
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Post May 26th, 2010, 3:45 pm

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ohh well, im shure there will be another one soon, mabye this time at a park the UK coaster crew has never hit as UKCC before? we talk at oakwood
Making screams come true

Post May 26th, 2010, 3:51 pm

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Heheh Travelodge... Not as bad as Premier Bin to be fair...

Post May 26th, 2010, 4:14 pm
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I love Travelodge, purley because if you book far enough in advance, your room is ?????????19. and if they have an offer going, you can pick it up for ?????????9...

Post May 26th, 2010, 4:57 pm

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If someone gives me a lift from York, ill come...
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[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post May 26th, 2010, 5:01 pm
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yeah, sure, it's only like 4 hours from my house to York, and then a further 7 hours back to Oakwood. So yeah, see you on the 4th of June, nice and early at about 2AM, me having left mine at about 10PM the previous day.... LOL jk.

Post May 26th, 2010, 5:06 pm

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I had my hopes up then, until I saw LOL jk... :(
Yah Oakwood is probably a better idea to get the train to or fly.
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post May 26th, 2010, 5:24 pm

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well i know lightwater vally and flamingoland are alot closer to york, mabye that could be the next meetup
Making screams come true

Post May 26th, 2010, 5:31 pm

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Either of those are easy access for me, Alton isn't too bad either, Train and a bus, takes just over 2 hours :)
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post May 26th, 2010, 5:39 pm
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I am still yet to visit either Lightwater or Flamingo Land, so either or both of those could be interesting!

Edit: Just thought it was worth pointing out that I lol'd at the fact that people with epilepsy can no longer use these forums because of Hazbruv [lol]

Post May 27th, 2010, 10:48 am

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flamingoland sounds great!
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Post May 27th, 2010, 3:10 pm
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Meh... Why do you guys have to plan this right on my USA trip? [lol] I'd still want to go back to Oakwood.

But now I see you guys are already talking about a next meetup. Lightwater valley? Sure! [:D] Or maybe a crazy East Coast UK trip? I've noticed there are some crazy rides in that area. [pshades] Plus we've got Fantasy Island somewhere over there. [:)]
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Post May 27th, 2010, 4:30 pm

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east coast would be wicked fun, wish i could come to america dirk but moneh is bloddy tight at the moment as im about to move home.

but yes lightwater and/or flamigoland next i think
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Post May 29th, 2010, 9:27 am

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Dirk, during summer i live near Fantasy Island. About 40minutes away. So if you want to hit it up there i will come with you, i haven't been for ages. Its not the nicest of places but, Odyssey is worth it, and they have some good flats, the Beast in particular being a very good Topscan, much more intense than Samurai at Thorpe, at least it used to be.

Oh and is there any chance of anyone wanting to go to Blackpool before 20th June? Because i leave Manchester then, and go back to Lincolnshire for 2 months which is pretty dead, so i'm thinking of making a visit to BPB before i go, if anyone wants to join me? If not, we have to do a Blackpool meet after September when im back at uni, so i can finally come to one of these meets! haha.

Oh and you should definately choose flamingoland over lightwater. Its so much more worth it. Plus i quite want to try out Mumbo Jumbo!

Post June 1st, 2010, 4:04 pm

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lol well just for you JPE im shure we can meet at blackpool after september, and tell you what, ill see about BPB before the 20th on a friday or sunday but first need to get this weekend out the way
Making screams come true


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