2010 NoLimits Tournament Finals ?????? ??????Giant Dragons International??????
Welcome finalists, you have made it into the final round of the CoasterCrazy NoLimits Tournament. This time you must create a double wooden coaster using the GCI Millennium Flyer trains. In this last round only one will walk away with the prize while the rest will become hermits and think about the meaning of life.
The rules:
The imperial measurements are only estimates, the judges will use the metric measurements when checking the tracks for rule violations.
You must use the Millennium Flyer trains.
The track and supports cannot go outside the red lines.
Both the station??????s track must be entirely south of the pink line (in top view).
The track cannot go over 25 meters / 82 feet (this is indicated by the pink line in side and front view).
Because the park doesn??????t want to obstruct the view to the park??????s iconic looping coaster, nothing can go over 5 meters (indicated by the blue line in side view) in the area between the purple and blue line.
The combined track length must be between 1400 meters / 4600 feet and 1900 meters / 6230 feet.
You must use 2 or 4 trains with 12 cars.
The maximum transport speed on lift, transport, station and brake sections is 15 kph / 9.3 mph.
You can have only 2 lifts (one for each side) and no launches.
I understand that the template rules can be confusing. PLEASE ask if something is unclear to you to avoid disqualification
Scenery, 3ds and minor terraforming are allowed, inversions are not allowed.
Tree removal is allowed.
The template can be found here: (note that it is an nlpack)
http://coastercrazy.com/track_exchange/ ... ?tid=16972
Some other things:
Since this is a wooden coaster, supports will count heavier in the Tech score. Adren and Orig scores will also be affected by how much ??????dueling-ish?????? or ??????racing-ish?????? the coaster is.
Do yourself a favor and do not build your track an inch from the template boundaries, it doesn??????t take much to accidentally go an inch over the boundary.
While there are no G-limits, it would be unsafe to go over -1.5/+3.5 Vertical and +/-1.5 Lateral.
Sending In:
Your track must be received by contests@coastercrazy.com at 11:59 PM July 9th at the latest. Do not test your luck by sending your track in on the last second and risk missing the deadline by some connection malfunction. You may send in your track as many times as you want. Do not forget to include your (user)name.
Every track will be judged on three criteria: Technical, Adrenaline and Originality. Each track will receive a mark for each criteria, the final mark will be the average of the criteria marks.
The technical mark will focus on the smoothness the ride, the quality of the supports and safety (E-stop/tunneltest).
Adrenaline is all about speed, G??????s and the sensation of speed. The more exciting the rides, the better the score.
Originality focuses on how original the ride and elements are. Pulling of crazy new elements in a never-seen-before layout will get you a higher score and a track that has nothing new.
Both judges will rate all the tracks and discuss the results. When both judges agree with each other, the results will be posted.
Good Luck, ianko66, guitarplayer673, Lewis13 and Vid_w.