I've found a new great coaster on RCDB. It's a Custom Gerstlauer Eurofighter with 5 inversions. It's opening on 6/26/2010.
I think I'm going to ride it this summer
and what was the braistorm of the colour of it like?
-what colour shall we have it
-ok thats a good start, what other colour
-ok and?
-no, just red
I remeber this ride was announced as Anaconda,but now THAT.That support was the biggest epic roflolololcopter fail with OMFGWTFBBQ.Which means in short form FAIL!But I agree with Ibanez,in combination with theming it would maybe nice.
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.
Regardless, this one is pretty unattractive. Along with the color scheme. And I feel like Gerstlauer bailed completely on their otherwise creative streaks... [:(]
I am drawn in, however, by the sharp turn between corkscrews.
Just judging from the overbank by the ferris wheel on Spongebob at MOA, the cobra roll should have you basically floating through both inversions, it's a really neat feeling. The zero-g roll looks amazing too.