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Kennywood Announces Launch Coaster for 2010

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post June 23rd, 2010, 3:09 pm

Posts: 15
Points on hand: 1,047.00 Points

Post June 23rd, 2010, 3:17 pm

Posts: 277
Points on hand: 77.00 Points

Post June 23rd, 2010, 3:25 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
First half looks good, ending looks lame. Weird combination of thrill elements that scare away a lot of people, and boring elements that make the ride not as exciting to thrill seekers.

Post June 23rd, 2010, 4:24 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
If it would be not so slow on the tophat,you would have some nice airtime!
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post June 23rd, 2010, 4:44 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
There will be very strong air in the front on the first half, and I expect the back will have decent air on the way down, depending on how fast the launch ends up being. The shaping should mean the brakes aren't a big deal.

Post June 23rd, 2010, 5:06 pm

Posts: 277
Points on hand: 77.00 Points
the double bunnyhops at the end look pretty good. The slalom looks boring!

Post June 23rd, 2010, 5:18 pm

Posts: 1270
Points on hand: 1,176.00 Points
Location: Boston, MA, USA

Looks pretty good to me, not the most forceful ride by the end but it should be fun.

Post June 24th, 2010, 9:55 am

Posts: 73
Points on hand: 1,593.00 Points
Kennywood is holding an auction for the first rider. I am planning on bidding close to when the auction ends but most likely I will get in because in 1 week only 11 people have bid. So I will take lots of pictures and post them on here on Tuesday. Anyway I went to Kennywood last week hoping to see a test run but I didn't. I took some pictures and posted them on my Photobucket. Here is the link ... %20Rocket/[url][/url]


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