^ What the hell are you talking about? "taxation with out proper representation" ? In this sarcastic "Sugar Tax" scenario, does the U.S. Government simply cease to exist for you or something? Now, if you're too apathetic to vote, you can't really complain about the representation you're receiving being proper or not. It's up to you to elect that proper representation . . . I think we solved that problem about 234 years ago.
Clearly, "We need to tax sugar or something" is sarcasm, but if the government did tax sugar we're defiantly well represented by our congressmen, senators, and governors on the state level, and then by congressmen, senators, and president on the federal level. I think there are enough people you can complain to if you don't like the tax.
Taxing IMPORTED sugar (amongst many many other things) might actually be good, nothing more American than that actually . . .
The point of all this is to get up off the couch, good bye . . .