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New B&M Prototype to Gardaland for 2011

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Post July 15th, 2010, 11:27 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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There were some rumors in the themepark world, but there is now a concept-art released, from the new B&M prototype, that will go to Gardaland!


The new coaster will be called X-raptor and will carry the visitors over a 2625 feet long track. The ride will start in an underground station only to carry the visitors up to 100 feet in the air. During the ride you will experience a 90 degree turn and 2 Zero G rolls. There are also going to be effects like soaring low above the ground and the water.

The Italian Article about the new Coaster:
Roller coaster ????????? la traduzione inglese per ottovolante/montagne russe. Gardaland ha il piacere di presentarti la nuova spettacolare attrazione 2011:
X-Raptor - il Roller Coaster pi????????? estremo, il volo che sfida ogni limite.

Prigionieri di una bestia volante terrificante che ha raso al suolo la terra, vi cimenterete in un adrenalinico volo del terrore attraverso foreste e lande devastate, mentre provate a fuggire dalla morsa dello spietato animale.

* Sedili sospesi nel vuoto posti lateralmente ai binari
* Terrificante stazione di partenza sotterranea
* 800 mt di percorso
* 30 mt di altezza con 1 vertiginosa salita
* Curve a 90????????? ad altissima velocit?????????
* Passaggi estremamente vicini ad ostacoli scenografici
* Volo radente su una superficie lacustre con effetti acquatici
* 2 avvitamenti con sensazione di gravit????????? zero

A rough English Translation:
Roller coaster is the Enlish translation for Roller Coaster. Gardland is happy with the new spectacular ride in 2011:
X-Raptor - The most extreme coasters, The flight that pushes boundaries.

Trapped in a terrifying flying beast that has demolished the country, with an adrenaline flight of terror through the forrest and farms, meanwhile you try to escape from this ferocious animal.

* Seats are located on the side of the track
* Underground station and departure
* 2625 feet track
* 100 feet high with a nauseating climb.
* 90 ????????? turn on high speed
* Very close to spectacular obstacles
* Flight grazing over a lake with water-effects
* 2 spins with a feeling of weightlessness.

Here can you view ride construction and photo's from where the ride is going to be located: ... allery=314
Last edited by Dirk_Ermen on July 15th, 2010, 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post July 15th, 2010, 11:43 am

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Post July 15th, 2010, 11:48 am

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Woop,I think anotherone of that type goes to Heidepark for 2011,ZOMG that ride looks like a Inta Wing-rider...
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post July 15th, 2010, 11:50 am

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Damn this looks awesome...I think I'll go there if it's finished

Post July 15th, 2010, 11:52 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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*Added some extra info to the first post*

Originally posted by Mad-man 5

I predict rough outside seats. I wonder why[;)]

Well, looking at B&M quality of what they produce, I do think they have a good solution to the vibration on the outer seats. What it is? We'll have to wait and see.
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Post July 15th, 2010, 12:29 pm
slosprint User avatar
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Finally, B&M comes out with an out-of-the-box idea!
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.

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Post July 15th, 2010, 12:47 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Hopefully it's forceful ... doubt it will be though.

Post July 15th, 2010, 12:49 pm

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I'm excited for the new one in 2011 in Heidepark...

Post July 15th, 2010, 2:00 pm

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I would love to see a hyper coaster like this....
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
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Post July 15th, 2010, 2:23 pm

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Wow those look FINE! Haha I'm not sure, but perhaps this may be the type of ride that may show up at BGT? Unless I've missed an update that confirmed some other ride type.

Post July 15th, 2010, 2:29 pm

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it being B&M and if they dont use a thinner track structure that is going to need huge amounts of room. awsome but im going to wait till its in testing befor i say weather i like it or not
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Post July 15th, 2010, 2:42 pm

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So those seats are stationary. From first glance, it looks like those seats spin. On the topic of outside seats, X is a perfect example of shaky seats. That ride kills your legs and your head. If this coaster can incorporate shocks then I think the seats will be great.

This is a new ride that looks like the shocks work great for outside seats.

Post July 15th, 2010, 2:46 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by slosprint

Finally, B&M comes out with an out-of-the-box idea!

No, they don't. Look what Intamin build 3 years ago:

Nevertheless, I'm wondering what the layout will be.

Post July 15th, 2010, 3:29 pm
slosprint User avatar
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yes, but it seems as if the layout and elements are different.
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.

"or if you're when the hydraulic fluid was dumped out of the motor is goes 200ft up the tower and is like "LOL nope"" - CKMWM 2016

Post July 15th, 2010, 3:39 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Didn't we decide the other day that one of the new coasters going in at Thorpe Park, the one in 2012, was going to be this B&M prototype?

Post July 15th, 2010, 3:57 pm
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I think the trains look awesome
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post July 15th, 2010, 4:33 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by gouldy

Didn't we decide the other day that one of the new coasters going in at Thorpe Park, the one in 2012, was going to be this B&M prototype?

Since when is it our decision to determine which park gets which ride?

Post July 15th, 2010, 4:37 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

Didn't we decide the other day that one of the new coasters going in at Thorpe Park, the one in 2012, was going to be this B&M prototype?

Indeed, the rumour is that all going well with this one at Gardaland, a fully-fledged version will be opened at Thorpe in 2012.

Post July 15th, 2010, 4:44 pm
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Post July 15th, 2010, 5:02 pm

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but thats only 1 B&M prototype, whos to say thorpe wont get a diffrent prototype?
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Post July 15th, 2010, 6:06 pm
gouldy User avatar
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^ well, true, but I doubt that it would be another new B&M prototype, they're not exactly releasing protoypes on a yearly basis are they?

Like dragon2000 said, the Gardaland prototype will be a proving ground for the technology and any modifactions/improvements required for successful/smooth operation will be added to the TP coaster before it begins being manufactured. I'd say the TP contract is worth a lot more to them than Gardaland. I would say Gardaland are getting the ride at a pretty cut cost price, for that reason. So that in the end, Thorpe Park end up with a finely honed product with minimal malfunctions/down-time etc.

Post July 15th, 2010, 6:33 pm

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Originally posted by slosprint

Finally, B&M comes out with an out-of-the-box idea!

dive coaster?

Post July 15th, 2010, 7:13 pm

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Originally posted by slosprint

yes, but it seems as if the layout and elements are different.

Are you serious?
The layout hasn't been released yet, so I really don't understand how you think it's going to be different. But in the stats listed off, it sates how it'll have high banked turns, run close to the ground, and have heartline and/or zero G rolls. It's almost like Furius Baco features all of those too! The only thing different from Furius Baco listed in the stats is a lift hill/the height. Honestly, even the lengths of both of the rides are about 100 feet apart! So far, this ride basically IS Baco without the launch for all we know. Will it be better? Probably cause they'll work out the kinks of the Intamin version, but I just really don't see how the layout seems different.
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Post July 16th, 2010, 12:31 pm

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Nobody else noticed the Intamin restraints in the picture...... If this is B&M the restraints will look different which in turn would make the train look different, and most likely better :)

Post July 16th, 2010, 1:14 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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^It doesn't mean anything. The concept are is what it is, a concept. The train is from furious baco. Some dude at TPR found out it was ripped from a picture on

I think we should except a dive machine train without the middle seats, and then lowered a bit so that the seats are next to the track.


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