As many of you may already know, there is an ongoing war between Pirates and Ninjas. The war has been lasting for about 2,000 years now, and many people have taken sides. What do you guys think? Who will win this never-ending war?
For those of you who don't know, please visit this website, and most importantly, read the advantages on each side.
Also, please vote! [stoning]
Last edited by HKatzCoasters on July 21st, 2010, 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Definitely ninjas, fo sure. They have control and discipline. Pirates would lose because they cant control emotion. Their rage would cause them to make mistakes.
Ninjas definitely do exist, but they stand no chance against a pirate. One thing that many overlook is Rum. Pirates drink so much, they have a tolerance for it, so a pirate who drinks Rum will be able to withstand the drunk feeling, and instead, be able to use it as a pain killer. The Rum will act like a narcotic.
Pirates would win because all the ninjas suck (except maybe one) and are at Six Flags Parks. Pirates look cool in silver and have lots of airtime.
PS the ninja has 1 main weapon, the sword. He also has flashbangs and shiruken (the latter of which is pathetically weak in real life). Pirates have guns and number advantage