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Favorite Bands

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post August 4th, 2010, 2:31 pm

Posts: 22
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Location: USA

Just wondering what everybody's favorite bands/musicians are.

Say Anything
Portugal. The Man
Bloc Party

EDIT: i'm going to have to add some in, seeing as how many others have put up.

Gatsbys American Dream
Paper Rival
Forgive Durden
Passion Pit
Brand New

i find it amazing that no one has mentioned 311 yet. oh well.

everyone should go make an account right now.
Last edited by MFORCE310 on August 20th, 2010, 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 4th, 2010, 2:38 pm

Posts: 179
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Location: Livingston, New Jersey, USA
Hahah I used to like Bloc Party a lot, but since their new album came out, I hate them.
My TOP favorite bands are:
-Modest Mouse

Post August 4th, 2010, 3:04 pm

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Post August 4th, 2010, 3:29 pm

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Post August 4th, 2010, 4:08 pm

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Location: USA

Originally posted by HKatzCoasters

Hahah I used to like Bloc Party a lot, but since their new album came out, I hate them.

interesting, most people tend to like silent alarm the best. i for one love all of bloc party. awesome responses so far!

Originally posted by Onjin

At The Drive In

i love you.

keep em comin people!

Post August 4th, 2010, 4:20 pm

Posts: 2914
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-Job For A Cowboy
-Lamb of God
-DJ Zatox
-They Might Be Giants (Yes, I am a Particle Man)
-DJ Tiesto
-Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
-Dave Bruebek
-The Lonely Island
-Wierd Al Yankovic
-and some others that I can't remember

[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post August 4th, 2010, 4:21 pm

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Post August 4th, 2010, 6:01 pm

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Location: York, United Kingdom
Originally posted by Jcoasters

-DJ Zatox

Originally posted by Jcoasters

-DJ Tiesto


Personally (In no specific order):
Tha Playah
Brennan Heart
Donkey Rollers
Evil Activities
DJ Thera
[19:47:28] rcking04: /smoke bong through wrong end

Post August 4th, 2010, 6:11 pm

Posts: 516
Points on hand: 1,676.00 Points
Location: Vancouver, WA
MFORCE310 you scare me.

JCoasters - Lamb Of God - Hell, yeah!!! Wrath is their best album to date. Way better than Sacrament.

Post August 4th, 2010, 6:13 pm

Posts: 179
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Location: Livingston, New Jersey, USA
Silent Alarm isn't Bloc Party's newest. That was my favorite album. Intimacy is their newest album, and it's very "Poppy".

Post August 4th, 2010, 6:31 pm

Posts: 2077
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Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

Lol Lamb of God. I got over them when I stopped being 15 and found real music.

Post August 4th, 2010, 8:15 pm

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Lol Freddie. A person who gave up real music.
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post August 4th, 2010, 8:20 pm

Posts: 1820
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Coldplay... that is all
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post August 4th, 2010, 8:20 pm

Posts: 2914
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EWWWWWW!!!! Coldplay!!!!!!!!!
[19:34:14] RideWarriorNation: jim
[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
[19:35:39] RideWarriorNation: ty

Post August 4th, 2010, 8:41 pm

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Location: pennsylvania, USA
my favorite bands vary between styles
Dream Theater
Finger Eleven
and a newer band named Season's After
What are these for?

Post August 4th, 2010, 10:14 pm

Posts: 1270
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Location: Boston, MA, USA

Meshuggah, Opeth, and The Mars Volta are a few right now.

Post August 4th, 2010, 10:33 pm

Posts: 1908
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Location: USA
Jimmy Eat World
The Killers

I'll give a listen to anything.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post August 4th, 2010, 10:45 pm

Posts: 133
Points on hand: 72.00 Points
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
-Coheed & Cambria
-Modest Mouse
-As I Lay Dying
-Hollywood Undead
-Owl City (pre fireflies)
-Dave Matthews Band
-August Burns Red
-Five Finger Death Punch

Those are the bands I listen to most.

Post August 4th, 2010, 10:51 pm

Posts: 1908
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Location: USA
Seems like Muse is popular. Good taste.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post August 4th, 2010, 11:00 pm

Posts: 133
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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
They are a great band. I wish I had been able to see them in concert when they were in Chicago. I've heard they are fantastic live.

Post August 5th, 2010, 1:00 am

Posts: 11
Points on hand: 50.00 Points
i saw Muse at MSG in NYC...n it was amazing...i LOVE Muse!!

Post August 5th, 2010, 1:20 am

Posts: 22
Points on hand: 2,379.00 Points
Location: USA

Originally posted by HKatzCoasters

Silent Alarm isn't Bloc Party's newest. That was my favorite album. Intimacy is their newest album, and it's very "Poppy".

that's exactly what i was saying, most people tend to love it most. saying you are "most people". a weekend in the city is my personal favorite. also, you really think intimacy is "poppy"? i don't think id describe any of bloc party as poppy, especially not intimacy, but i would definitely say silent alarm is the most accessible. just a thought. but its cool man its cool.

Originally posted by Onjin

MFORCE310 you scare me.

just sayin man, i wouldnt have expected at the drive in at all from anybody. i love that band, wish they were still together. id pay out the ass to see them.

Post August 5th, 2010, 1:24 am

Posts: 22
Points on hand: 2,379.00 Points
Location: USA

oh and go see muse live, it will kill you. best live band ive ever seen! matt bellamy is a king!!

Post August 5th, 2010, 2:31 am

Posts: 510
Points on hand: 1,385.00 Points
Bands I like:

Three Days Grace
Three Doors Down
Green Day
Weird Al
Sons of Maxwell (makers of United Breaks Guitars)
Fall Out Boy
Dark Moor
Indigo Girls
Crush 40
Daft Punk
Trout Fishing in America (I listened to them CONSTANTLY as a kid)
John Parr (just for St. Elmo's fire. That song is so epic)
Breaking Benjamin

There are lots of others...
Originally posted by dcs221
\n"they see me trollin', they hatin'..." -Omnigeek6

Chamillionaire you are not...but white and nerdy, yes.

Post August 5th, 2010, 2:41 am

Posts: 179
Points on hand: 1,152.00 Points
Location: Livingston, New Jersey, USA
MFORCE310, I just feel that Intimacy is not Bloc Party. It's the lead singer taking a solo album. He adds a bunch of effects on his voice, and it doesn't sound like Silent Alarm or Weekend in the City. They're on Hiatus now, right?


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