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The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post August 7th, 2010, 1:57 am

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Faith is my first ride completed with Newton. The H:SAK and AHG were also used, but Newton was the main poison. I never thought I would use it because I was so hell bent on hand-building, but I must say, it has given me fantastic results.

Here's a few stats on the ride.

Manufaturer: B&M
Train Style: Invert 4-seater
Height: 34 meters
First Drop: 33 meters
Total Elev. Change: 43 meters
Inversions: 7
Track length: 840 meters

Coaster runs 2 trains with 8 cars per train.

And pictures:

The JoJo
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625.31 KB

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250.05 KB

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248.28 KB

Strong Helix, Air, Loop
Image Insert:
398.69 KB

And for those that didn't get the reference, the theme is inspired by Mirror's Edge. The trackwork is made as though Hydra and Raptor had a baby. Hydra's layout is a dominant characteristic while Raptor's unrelenting forces prevail throughout the track.

If you haven't recieved the track from me yet, you probably won't be testing it.

Post August 7th, 2010, 3:00 am

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Location: OH, USA
I ask one thing....please, please get rid of the jojo roll. I don't know what others think, but imo it looks like poop. Either that, or lengthen it. A lot.
The rest of it appears very sexy though, especially that 0-G roll....mmmmmm....
Also, in the one picture that shows the immelmann, it almost looks like it's completely upside-down at the top of the element. It shouldn't be, so make sure that isn't the case (it's cut off slightly, so I can't actually see).

Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to this! Should be pretty sweet.

Post August 7th, 2010, 5:24 am
gouldy User avatar
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I saw the name of this thread on the homepage and got really excited! But when I got here I saw it was just a stupid roller coaster thread [:(] I was ready with all my best religion derision lines and everything [V]

But still, now I'm here, I'm kinda glad I came cus this thing looks sweet. I would think about boneplaya's comments on the jojo roll, though. Other than that everything looks awesome, especially the size of that helix in comparision with the loop that follows it!

Post August 7th, 2010, 11:12 am

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Wow,looks pretty sweet,but aren't you in the army now,where do you take the time to make that?

Post August 7th, 2010, 11:23 am

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Location: Livingston, New Jersey, USA
That looks pretty cool. It doesn't look like a classic B&M inverted.

Post August 7th, 2010, 12:17 pm

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Thanks for the good remarks guys.

Sorry to have dissapointed you Gouldy. I know its so odd for people to be posting roller coaster threads on this site, but I felt like being different.

The JoJo was 'shrunk' intentionally. It rides better than it looks, and runs through its rotation only a few meters shorter than Hydra's. I did it to keep the intensity of the ride up a little bit more. I tried to make this a theme with each and every element. After riding Raptor's cobra roll, I knew I had to put that speed into a cobra eventually. I think this emulates the constant intensity and speed seen there.

The Immelman looks flat at the top because of the angle. It's tilted over a bit, not as exagerated as Hydra's Dive Loop, but not a normal Immelman either.

I leave for the Army in 9 days now. So I have just enough time to support this and upload it before I am shipped off. But, after the first few months, if the site is still up and running, it will be amazing how much down time the Army has. Especially if you're stationed on American soil. So I'll still be active on the site.

Post August 7th, 2010, 12:26 pm

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Post August 7th, 2010, 2:20 pm

Posts: 1928
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Location: OH, USA
Hmm....I'll take your word for it on that jojo roll...but a few meters is a big chunk at that length. Just saying.

And ok about the immelmann. That's good to know. I'm working on an invert right now, and the immelmann has been a bitch to shape right lol...I applaud you for doing that! [worship]

Post August 7th, 2010, 2:57 pm

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Post August 7th, 2010, 10:27 pm

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

The Immelman was probably the easiest inversion on the ride, apart from the loop, to be honest. Even the Zero-G Roll was harder simply because I wanted the exit significantly lower than the entrance. The Immelman is pretty standard. I was already coming at it at a slight angle from the drop, so the rest was straight forward. It has two Roll zones and four normal force zones.

Anywho, supports are starting to go up as we speak.

Post August 8th, 2010, 1:53 am

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Alrighty, here's a little update before I crash.

Supports so far:
Image Insert:
1853.44 KB

Ok, so I can't decide whether or not the supports on the lift look okay or not. I modeled them off of Talon's lift hill supports. Notice how they are spread apart quite a bit, yet still hold the ride up. Opinions?

Oh, and there is a support just baaarely out of view in the screenshot. They are evenly spread over the entire lift, as well as the supports for the catwalks.

Post August 8th, 2010, 4:46 am
TheArchitect User avatar
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wouldve flowed better if the Zero span the other way.

and the supports are ok but waay spread out. the one on the zero (closest to us) could have its brace half the distance.

Post August 8th, 2010, 11:53 am

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Zero-G flows great as is, actually. I originally rolled it the other way, but I didn't like it like that.

I guess I have some work to do on the lift supports. And funny thing actually, as soon as I posted that picture I took a second look and noticed the zero-g supports and fixed them to literally half the distance.

Post August 8th, 2010, 1:11 pm
slosprint User avatar
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Looks a lot like an inverted hydra
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.

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Post August 8th, 2010, 9:05 pm

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Originally posted by slosprint

Looks a lot like an inverted hydra

Originally posted by Iron Man

The trackwork is made as though Hydra and Raptor had a baby.

Post August 11th, 2010, 11:26 am

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Mirrors Edge was a sick game. I need to finish the thing entirely and get all my gamerscore from the time trials. The story line was awesome and especially hard on Pro without shooting anyone.

Post August 11th, 2010, 12:10 pm

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IMO an elongated "Jojo roll" is more intense than your version, considering it hangs you upside down for longer. On yours there's less time to enjoy being upside down, and for the blood to rush to your head.

Pretty good ride, but needs some big trackwork improvements in some spots. Definitely not a bad try for your first time with Newton2.

Post August 11th, 2010, 1:27 pm

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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Wow, where the love have you been Real? lol Didn't see you posting here since I got back and all of a sudden you pop your head out. And yes, it was, and still is, an amazing game.

I think Newton was both a blessing and a curse for the NL community. It makes FVD's so much more accessible for the general public, which is great, but it means that everybody expects a 'perfect' track. The quality of the track as a whole would have gotten really high scores when I was last here, and would have over shadowed the lateral g spike in the cork. But now everything is scrutenized so intensely. Still, I'm happy with the overall product, and it was, like you said, a good try for my first time with Newton.

And I think you're right about the JoJo. My thought going into it was to make the actual roll more intense and I completely ignored the affect of being hung upside down. A really long Jojo is ugly as sin, but it would probably be a bit more interesting.

Post August 11th, 2010, 1:32 pm

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Yeah I laughed a ton going through Hydra's...thought it was so much fun, even for the simple idea that it is. I also preferred front row for the reasons I said...slower through the roll and more time to enjoy the rotation and body orientations.

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