Well at the top, I always use a plateau transition for banking and Vert G's. I increase the banking to an overbank, and I increase the G's for the top. After, just time the banking and vert's to what feels correct. Finally, you will just need to level out at the bottom.
Just bank to whatever you think looks/feels right for your specific application; as far as I know, all of the hammerheads in the world are at different angles.
I like banking more than 95, in most cases, but there is nothing to the end. You should have (Higher) G's at the very top, and, since you are using the plateau, the G's should reduce to start dropping. After that, just increase the G's to level at the bottom. The best way to learn is to mess around. I tried it for the first time on my coaster, The Red Dragon, and I think it turned out well. Just expirament.