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Cedar Point opening day, who's going?

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Post April 27th, 2003, 2:19 pm

Posts: 332
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Location: Brookpark, OH, OH, USA

One more week, and CP will be open for the season. I'm woundering who here is heading up there May 4th for opening day? I'll be there for sure.

Post April 27th, 2003, 2:36 pm
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pictures pictures pictures!!! ONride video of TTD ok?

Post April 27th, 2003, 3:14 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I'm going June 1st and June 2nd
Anyone going then?

Post April 27th, 2003, 4:01 pm

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I'm not going on any of those days...but i am going june 10-12!

Post April 28th, 2003, 2:01 am

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I'm going openig day, because my parents are off that week, my mom said we have to go the week it opens or not at all. I not going to argue with her on that one! I'm very pleased that were going openig day, I'll get a chance to experience Top Thrill Dragster and my favorite coaster in the park Mantis. I went to Kennywood Park yesterday for the opening or their new themed area called Volcano valley and new ride called the Big Kahuna but the ride and new themed area wasn't even open so I had the Phantom's revenge To look forward to.

Post April 28th, 2003, 5:57 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

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