The Lift is slow you you'll get a great feeling from the gravity. On the first drop you really get a feeling of an ejector! And right after that launched back in your seat. Then you got a short brake to take a breath and then you'll get upside down again because 2 great barrelrolls. The ride is full exitement what belongs to a track. I didn't liked the restain because if you ride it 3 or more times with hands up, your arms get hurt[xx(]

It was an insane ride, you'll make swings in the air to 40meters IMO. The ride is really awesome because if your on the top of a swing you get the feeling of being upside down[:P]

Fly away:
The restain are a bit annoying. You'll get squised a bit. I have never been on a flyer and i think this is a bit the feeling of a flying coaster. Only get's a bit boring after a while[|)]ZZZzzzzz...
Junior coaster:
Not for tall adults, you can better be below 170cm. Or else the restain won't really fit. I did had to move one leg to get into the ride. The ride has some fast parts, only the ride is a bit short.
Air Race:
Quite funny ride, Haven't ridden in a while (6-7 years?). There is not really a feeling of a suspended ride, but if your in the back you can see the swinging a bit. The restain are a bit low, you can't even get good in the vehicle.
Very funny coaster, It has 30 cars, i would recommer to sit a bit in the middle/back of the ride. then you get the speed of the ride. It was a nice ride, the climb is a bit like euro/mir Rotating. If your on the top, you?????????ll rotate down, around the climb area. and below you?????????ll make a helix trough the climb area, it's only difficult to see because it's dark. They use some nice lights to add a great look to the ride. They have also music but i don't like the melody it sucks [xx(]

The park:
There arn?????????t no long waiting lines, the max waiting time would be 30min. I dunno how the waitng is in the summer. Maybe i?????????ll come back then [:p][pshades][:D]
Well, This was my review, Please give some comments on it. [pshades]