Gold Medal = 500 Points
Silver Medal = 300 Points
Bronze Medal = 200 Points
No Limits
Gold: Rampage - gouldy - 9.17
Click Here To Ride!
Silver: Hotel Xtreme - Cedar Point Fan - 8.96
Click Here To Ride!
Bronze: Iron Fly - goliath9 - 8.67
Click Here To Ride!
Agent Orange would have won a gold medal for his coaster Arrowhead, but it was found that he used two separate accounts under the names Raz and coaster987 to rate his own coaster, thus disqualifying him for a medal. The ratings have been removed.
Need Points Quick?
Why not submit tracks for different sims, this means there will be less competition and an increased chance of getting points. Its best to try you luck at either on of the following for an increased chance of gaining points:
* Scream Machines
* Hyper Rails
* RCT1
* The Ultimate Ride Series
However make sure you get at least two ratings to qualify!
Congratulations To The Winners This Week!