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RCT2 Custom Object Misery

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Post September 13th, 2010, 12:50 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
Hey guys
as some of you may know I work on a HUGE terrain woodie with custom scenery(not my own,but I'll give credit): ... C_ID=24396
Okay now my problem:I sent the track to a tester,but he can't open it cause there are missing files.I would suggest that these files are the custom objects,but I don't know how to make the coaster work now for the peeps.Is there a way to include the objects when I'll upload the track on exchange?I mean,how have the creators of the custiom scenery done that?
Please help me.

Post September 14th, 2010, 12:23 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland

Post September 14th, 2010, 12:41 pm

Posts: 937
Points on hand: 829.00 Points
Location: Leeuwarden, Netherlands

in options there should be something like "include scenery with export" is it checked??
i havent touched rct2 for a long time so it could be a little different

Post September 14th, 2010, 12:51 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland

Post September 14th, 2010, 1:01 pm

Posts: 937
Points on hand: 829.00 Points
Location: Leeuwarden, Netherlands

somewhere in option , if you click the disk icon in game, and then "settings" or "options" im not sure.

Post September 14th, 2010, 1:03 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
K,thanks I'll try later,got to retrack that bitchin thing,slows downto much...stay tuned!

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